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You should feel very comfortable using CLEO since it uses many of the widgets and interface design features you are familiar with from other graphical user interfaces.  To get the most out of a CLEO application you might want to understand the aspects of CLEO that are common to many of the applications.   The fundamentals of CLEO can be broken down into the following areas:

YGOR Fundamentals:

    Here you will find the basics of the YGOR Monitor and Control System that will help you effectively use a CLEO application.

MENU bar:

    For most applications, CLEO uses the same menu bar. Get to know the menu bar and the powers that lie behind it.

State/Status Frame:

    All devices and managers (if you've read the YGOR Fundamentals pages you'll know what we're talking about) have two parameters that tell you the health of the device and what the device is currently doing. CLEO applications use the same widgets (arranged in a frame) for displaying this state and status information. You'll need to know about the state/status frame if you want to know the general well being of devices and managers.

Lock/Unlock Frame:

    We provide a means to ensure that only authorized personnel have the ability to control a device. We also don't want a random mouse click to do anything to a device. The widgets in the Lock/Unlock frame, found on most application screens, provides these security measures.


    Parameters are most often items that allow you to configure a device (e.g., flip a switch, set an attenuator, set an integration time). Often, parameters provide information about a manager (e.g., the state or status of a manager; how much time is left in an observation).  When you are controlling a device, you will be using widgets that are attached to a manager's parameters.


    On a typical CLEO screen that connects to an YGOR manager for a device, you will usually find numerous widgets that report the value of samplers.  Samplers provide a continuous stream of data values much like from a power meter, frequency counter, or volt meter.  Behind every sampler widget, we've placed our sampler gadget, which allows you to graph the sampler values in various ways (e.g. in a strip-chart-like graph).

Error Trapping:

    We've tried to include as much error checking into CLEO as is possible. For example, we try to inform the user whenever CLEO detects something is wrong with a device or a user-supplied input value. And, although we've tried to provide bug-free code, there are times when we didn't foresee something. CLEO itself can find many of our leftover bugs. Either you'll get a dialog box telling you of a caught problem or you'll be given a chance to automatically e-mail a bug report to us. If CLEO doesn't catch the problem on its own, you can submit a bug report using the GNATS reporting facility.



YGOR Fundamentals ] Menu Bar ] State/Status Frame ] Lock/Unlock Frame ] Parameters ] Samplers ] Error Traps ]

Copyright © 2000 Associated Universities, Inc. Washington D.C., USA
Modified: 07 April, 2004 by Ronald J. Maddalena