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The NRAO telescope operators and engineers contributed many of the design ideas behind CLEO. We appreciate the comments and criticisms they gave us when CLEO didn't have a name and was just some sketches of screen layouts. And, we look forward to their suggestions for future CLEO development.

Many of the CLEO applications benefited by the work of Roger Norrod and his Glish/Tk hardware testing interface. We thank Stephane Jouteaux and Mark Clark for, respectively, developing and maintaining segeste, the guts underneath our GUI.

The speed of developing a rich system like CLEO is due mostly to the powers inherent in Tcl/Tk. A big thanks to the father of Tcl/Tk, John Ousterhout, the people at who are keeping John's dream alive, and to Stephane Jouteaux who convinced us that Tcl/Tk was the way to go. Also, thanks to those individuals who use Tcl/Tk and have developed applications we could study. In particular, we are thankful we could use:

  • the tkCon and Widget 0.9 libraries of Jeffrey Hobbs;
  • the "Effective Tcl/Tk Programming" libraries of Mark Harrison and Michael McLennan;
  • the "BLT" toolkit of G. Howlett;
  • the BWidget toolkit by Unifix;
  • various megawidgets by Bryan Douglas Oakley
  • "Visual Tcl", created by Stewart Allen, our Tcl/Tk GUI layout tool of choice.

Ron Maddalena, Kevin Crump, and Christine Rebinski
June 2000



Copyright © 2000 Associated Universities, Inc. Washington D.C., USA
Modified: 14 May, 2000 by Ronald J. Maddalena