Visitors/Observer accounts
GBT observers and those carrying out GBT data reduction with Green Bank Obsevatory (GBO) computers will need a GBO computer account. The use of computer "visitor" accounts is governed by the AUI/NRAO/GBO acceptable use and security policies.
(Step 1) Before you can be issued a GBO visitor/observer computer account, you need to be cleared by the US Government via the NRAO Export/Import Management and Compliance Department. This is done by filling out the following form:
GBO visitor and computer account clearance form
You need to provide the name of your "AUI/NRAO/GBO Host", which is your GBT project friend or your GBO contact person. This is a general purpose form designed for site visitors. For computer accounts:
- Select on the cleareance form under Purpose of Visit: "Other (describe below)" and say that you are requesting a GBT observer computer account.
- If you are not visiting Green Bank. Select on the cleareance form under Location of visit AUI/NRAO/GBO Faclity: "Offsite (describe below)" and say that your are requesting a GBT observer computer account and are not visiting.
- If you are planning to visit Green Bank: Select the applicable Green Bank options.
(Step 2) After filling out the above "clearance form", submit the information listed below to The GBO computer group will then get back to you with your new account information. It is also helpful to inform your project friend/host when you have submitted the account request so they could follow-up, as needed.
GBO Linux Computer Account Request Form
- *Your full name (including middle name or middle initial)
- *Your email address
- NRAO username, if you already have one
- GBT Project-ID and GBT Project Friend
- phone number
- Linux Shell preference: bash or tcsh
- Due date when the account needs to be ready, if any
- Any other information you think could be relevant
GBT users who need their account passwords reset or have their old accounts reactivated should send e-mail to