The Green Bank Telescope

Instructions for using the DVD+RW drive on Redhat Enterprise

We currently have a DVD+RW drive on volans in Room JA-203 (OVLBI control room)

Login to volans and follow the following steps to create a DVD that is readable both on Unix and Windows:

Go to a place with enough local diskspace:

    cd /export/home/volans/scratch

prepare a directory with your data or if you already have a precompiled ISO image copy it there.

Insert media

The DVD+RW drive is the bottom drive on volans. Insert your media there.

Optional: New DVD+RW media needs formating

    dvd+rw-format /dev/dvd

Write data to DVD:

    growisofs -Z /dev/dvd -r -J /path/to/your/data

or, in the case of an existing ISO image:

    growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=your-cdimage.iso

Optional: Add data to a DVD+RW media at a later time

    growisofs -M /dev/dvd -R -J /more/files

This will add the new files to the already existing data on the disk. This does not work when an existing ISO image was written on the first run.

After the writing is finished you can mount your DVD with this command:

    mount /media/dvd
Before starting a burning session, make sure your DVD is not mounted. The df command should not show it. If it is mounted, unmount it with
    umount /media/dvd
The same instructions should apply to other Redhat Enterprise machines that have a DVD+RW drive available.

You should always double check your fresh DVD before you delete the original data! Also note that some older drives might have problems reading media written on a new drive.

For more information about growisofs and mkisofs see the manual pages of growisofs and mkisofs.

For information on burning CDs under Redhat Enterprise refer to the CDRW HOWTO


The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

Last updated 03 February 2009 by Chris Clark