The Green Bank Telescope

GBT 4mm Receiver Precursor

In 2000 and following years, a good deal of work was done on a more complex receiver concept covering the same frequency range. That project was not completed for various reasons, but is relevant to the 4mm Receiver project because many components and approaches developed earlier will be used where appropriate. Various information pertaining to the earlier project is referenced below.

2000 3mm Receiver Proposal (for background)

An internal proposal for NRAO Research Equipment Funds was produced on March 6, 2000 by a working group chaired by P. Jewell.

View Proposal in Adobe PDF Format (259kB)

2001 3mm Receiver Conceptual Design Review (for background)

Held May 29, 2001.

2001 3mm Rx Preliminary Design Review (for background)

Held October 2, 2001.

Other Technical Documents


The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

Last updated 20 December 2010 by Roger Norrod