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Modeling the Diffuse Ionized Gas

The numerical program CLOUDY (version 90.02) is used to model the diffuse interstellar gas (DIG) near the Galactic midplane (see Ferland 1996 for a complete description of CLOUDY). Briefly, CLOUDY calculates the physical conditions of a dilute gas when heated and ionized by an incident radiation field. This is done by ``simultaneously solving the equations of statistical and thermal equilibrium, equations which balance ionization-neutralization processes, and heating-cooling processes, respectively'' (Ferland 1996). The resulting emission-line spectra for many transitions are determined and can be compared to observations.

The interstellar medium is composed of several different phases. We use CLOUDY to model only the diffuse ionized component which we assume is physically distinct, i.e., the DIG is composed of nearly fully ionized hydrogen. Observations of the DIG are used to constrain the physical parameters defined in CLOUDY. Below is a list of all the user defined parameters.

The incident radiation field: The incident radiation field is defined by an intensity and a shape. The observed surface flux of hydrogen ionizing photons in the DIG tex2html_wrap_inline570 is used to define the intensity. The grid of stellar atmosphere models determined by Kurucz (1991) are used to specify the shape. N.B., the effective temperature defined here is only a measure of the shape of the radiation field and does not define in any way the intensity level. A range of effective temperatures, tex2html_wrap_inline572, are explored (see below and §4).

The geometry: CLOUDY is intrinsically a one-dimensional code. We define the geometry to be plane-parallel and the incident radiation field is set at the Galactic midplane. (That is, the geometry is a slab which is ionized from below.)

The chemical composition: We use the average interstellar medium abundances from Cowie & Songaila (1986). This is representative of the warm and cold phases of the ISM.

The density law: An exponential density law is defined with a local total hydrogen density at the midplane of tex2html_wrap_inline574 and a vertical scale height of tex2html_wrap_inline510 (Reynolds 1993). (In all cases the total hydrogen density is approximately equal to the electron density because the hydrogen is fully ionized.) The local density is the density inside the clumps which occupy a volume defined by the filling factor (see below). In this paper we only explore regions near the Galactic midplane and therefore the electron density is essentially constant.

The filling factor: The filling factor for the DIG has been determined by using Htex2html_wrap_inline578 emission measures and dispersion measures from pulsars in globular clusters to be tex2html_wrap_inline580 (Reynolds 1991). We adopt a filling factor of 0.25.

The additional heating: We adopt a thermal heating rate due to the dissipation of turbulence of tex2html_wrap_inline582 and tex2html_wrap_inline584 for densities of tex2html_wrap_inline586 and tex2html_wrap_inline588, respectively (Minter & Spangler 1997). This heating is included by adding the turbulent heating rate to the equations which balance the thermal processes.

The program CLOUDY is used to generate a series of four different models, each of which explores stellar effective temperatures from tex2html_wrap_inline590. Various physical propertiestex2html_wrap_inline592 tex2html_wrap_inline594, tex2html_wrap_inline596, etc. tex2html_wrap_inline598 and emission line intensities tex2html_wrap_inline592 tex2html_wrap_inline602, tex2html_wrap_inline604, etc. tex2html_wrap_inline598 are calculated by CLOUDY as a function of position from the Galactic midplane. All results shown here are determined by averaging these properties over the first 100¸ of the simulation. The four models are derived using two different densities, tex2html_wrap_inline608 and tex2html_wrap_inline610, and allowing the turbulent heating to be turned on and off.

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Toney Minter
Fri May 9 10:53:40 EDT 1997