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Results and Conclusions

Figure 1 summarizes the four models for a range of effective stellar temperatures tex2html_wrap_inline612. The points are the average value of each quantity over the first 100¸ out of the plane. The vertical lines are the corresponding tex2html_wrap_inline614 variations from this mean. Regions which are excluded by the observational constraints discussed in §1 and summarized in Table 1 have been shaded gray. Notice that none of the models with only photoionization heating (dashed lines) satisfy the observational constraints. Lower values of tex2html_wrap_inline572 predict electron temperatures which are too low while higher values predict too much ionized helium. In all cases the tex2html_wrap_inline492 and tex2html_wrap_inline494 ratios are either too low or near the lower limits in Table 1.

When the turbulent heating term is included (solid lines) there are many effective temperatures which satisfy all of the observational constraints. The He observations constrain the radiation field to be softer than tex2html_wrap_inline622 for all models. This limit has a slight dependence on the density (see Figure 1). The higher density models produce lower electron temperatures, especially for the models where turbulent heating is included. The tex2html_wrap_inline492 and tex2html_wrap_inline494 ratios predicted by the model are consistent with the observations in Table 1 only when the turbulent heating is included. These ratios also have a moderate dependence on the density. Moreover, the linewidths predicted by the this model are consistent with observations in the DIG.

All four models predict that the tex2html_wrap_inline628 ratio is < 0.005, while Reynolds (1985b) measured an tex2html_wrap_inline628 ratio of 0.06 in the diffuse ISM. The origin of this tex2html_wrap_inline498 emission is not known. Reynolds suggested that it could come from the DIG, from hot tex2html_wrap_inline636 gas along the line of sight, or from tex2html_wrap_inline498 emission originating in H tex2html_wrap_inline488 regions and reflected off of dust grains. Our models suggests that the observed tex2html_wrap_inline498 emission does not originate from the oxygen in the DIG. Reynolds (1990a) found an upper limit for the tex2html_wrap_inline644 ratio of tex2html_wrap_inline646tex2html_wrap_inline648. In all cases, our models predict an tex2html_wrap_inline644 ratio at least one order of magnitude below this limit. Our models also predict that the tex2html_wrap_inline652 line ratio ranges from 0.15 at tex2html_wrap_inline656 to 0.85 at tex2html_wrap_inline660. This ratio is at least five times greater than the values predicted by the models without turbulent heating.

A simple physical picture of the DIG evolves naturally from these results. The tex2html_wrap_inline602 and tex2html_wrap_inline664 recombination lines are produced almost entirely by the stellar radiation field because the turbulent heating does not produce enough energy to ionize these species. The forbidden lines, however, are excited primarily by collisions; thus the addition of thermal heating via the dissipation of turbulence increases the tex2html_wrap_inline666 and tex2html_wrap_inline668 intensities as well as the kinetic temperature. Therefore, turbulent heating provides enough additional heating to explain the observed conditions in the DIG while remaining negligible in ``classic'' H tex2html_wrap_inline488 regions. Models of classic H tex2html_wrap_inline488 regions which include the turbulent heating discussed in §2 confirm this conclusion.

Another heating mechanism which could be important in the DIG is photoelectric heating from dust grains ([Reynolds & Cox 1992, Draine 1978]). This mechanism provides approximately the same heating rate as does the turbulent heating up to tex2html_wrap_inline674 in a gas where the hydrogen is fully ionized. For tex2html_wrap_inline676 the heating due to the grains falls off quickly due to cooling of the gas via collisions with the cooler dust grains ([Draine 1978]). In our models, the dust grains' heating rate is tex2html_wrap_inline678 of the total heating rate of the DIG.

From the measured parameters of the local ISM tex2html_wrap_inline592tex2html_wrap_inline682 from the Sun; Wood & Linsky 1997 and [Frisch & Slavin]tex2html_wrap_inline598, we estimate that the turbulent heating rate is tex2html_wrap_inline686 of the cooling rate in the local interstellar cloud (LIC). The photoelectric heating from dust grains should also be important in the LIC ([Frisch & Slavin]). Thus the dissipation of turbulence should be important in the local ISM and may also be important in other phases of the ISM.

We would like to thank Ron Reynolds for discussions on the origin of the tex2html_wrap_inline498 emission and the photoelectric heating via grains, Gary Ferland for helpful discussions about CLOUDY and Jay Lockman for comments on the manuscript. We also thank Chris McKee and Don Cox for their comments.

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Toney Minter
Fri May 9 10:53:40 EDT 1997