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Turbulent Heating

In classical turbulence theory, the energy contained in the large scale ``eddies'' cascades to smaller scale eddies. This cascade of energy to smaller scales occurs on all spatial scales down to a dissipative scale, at which point the turbulent energy is converted into thermal energy via some dissipation mechanism. The dissipation rate of the turbulence is proportional to the energy contained in the turbulence ([Minter & Spangler 1996]). A more complete discussion of turbulence is in Tennekes & Lumley (1994) and Tatarski (1961). The heating resulting from the dissipation of turbulence can be treated as a thermal heating term. Minter & Spangler (1996) determined that the turbulence in the diffuse ISM responsible for the scintillation of pulsars and angular broadening of extragalactic radio sources was in fact magnetohydrodynamical turbulence. This allowed for the direct determination of the energy within the turbulence in the DIG since the turbulent energy is contained in magnetic field and velocity fluctuations, with density fluctuations only being a tracer. From this information, Minter & Spangler (1997) determined that the turbulent dissipation rate, and thus the turbulent heating rate, is likely to be in the range tex2html_wrap_inline548 for the DIG, assuming tex2html_wrap_inline550. This value is approximately equal to the cooling rate of the DIG, indicating that the heating of the DIG via the dissipation of turbulence could be an important mechanism.

The magnitude of the turbulent energy can be estimated using tex2html_wrap_inline552 where tex2html_wrap_inline554 is the non-thermal velocity determined from spectral line observations and equipartition of the turbulent energy between magnetic field fluctuations and velocity fluctuations is assumed. In H tex2html_wrap_inline488 regions the non-thermal velocities are typically in the same range as those observed in the DIG ([Reynolds 1985a]). The densities in H tex2html_wrap_inline488 regions are typically 3-4 orders of magnitude larger than in the DIG resulting in a turbulent heating rate in H tex2html_wrap_inline488 regions of tex2html_wrap_inline564. The cooling rate, however, depends on the density squared ([Reynolds 1990a]) so that the turbulent heating rate in H tex2html_wrap_inline488 regions is at least two orders of magnitude less than the cooling rate. Therefore, heating via the dissipation of turbulence is not a significant process in determining the observed line emissions of H tex2html_wrap_inline488 regions whereas it may be for the DIG.

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Toney Minter
Fri May 9 10:53:40 EDT 1997