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Introduction: The Diffuse Ionized Gas

The diffuse ionized gas (DIG), also referred to as the Reynolds layer, is a nearly fully ionized gas with a mean midplane density of tex2html_wrap_inline500 and a scale height of tex2html_wrap_inline502. This layer has an average filling factor of tex2html_wrap_inline504 with the possibility that the filling factor increases from tex2html_wrap_inline506 in the galactic plane to tex2html_wrap_inline508 at tex2html_wrap_inline510 (Kulkarni & Heiles 1987; Reynolds 1991, 1993). The average mean density of a clump in this layer is tex2html_wrap_inline512 while the mean density of a clump in the Galactic plane is tex2html_wrap_inline514.

Table 1 summarizes the observed properties in the DIG. The majority of these measurements have been made near the Galactic midplane within tex2html_wrap_inline502 of the Sun. Observed limits of tex2html_wrap_inline518 emission from the DIG indicate that the hydrogen is at least tex2html_wrap_inline520 ionized, and that tex2html_wrap_inline522 ionization is probable (Reynolds 1989). The energy required to keep the DIG ionized is tex2html_wrap_inline524, corresponding to tex2html_wrap_inline526 hydrogen ionizing photons per tex2html_wrap_inline528 per sec in the Galactic disk ([Reynolds 1992]). This corresponds to tex2html_wrap_inline530 of the Lyman continuum photons of Galactic OB stars or tex2html_wrap_inline522 of the kinetic energy injected by Galactic supernovae into the interstellar medium (ISM) ([Reynolds 1993]). The electron temperature of the DIG has been constrained to be in the range tex2html_wrap_inline534 ([Reynolds 1985a]), with an average of tex2html_wrap_inline536. Reynolds & Tufte (1995) found an upper limit of tex2html_wrap_inline538 which indicates that the ionizing spectrum incident on the DIG is relatively soft and corresponds to a helium-to-hydrogen ionization fraction of tex2html_wrap_inline540. This is consistent with radio recombination line measurements of H and He toward the inner Galaxy which produce tex2html_wrap_inline542 (Heiles et al.\ 1996). The observed ranges of tex2html_wrap_inline544 and tex2html_wrap_inline546 require a much harder ionizing spectrum if photoionization is to explain these line ratios ([Reynolds 1985a]).

It appears that the physical conditions in the DIG cannot be explained by simple photoionization models and that other physical processes may be important in the DIG. It has been determined that the DIG in NGC 891 also cannot be explained by simple photoionization models ([Rand 1997]). Previous models developed by Mathis (1986) and Domgörgen & Mathis (1994) have attempted to explain the conditions in the DIG but have not been entirely successful (Reynolds & Tufte 1995; [Rand 1997]). Raymond (1976) and Shull & McKee (1979) have developed models in which shocks in the DIG predict the observed line ratios. The shock models, however, produce results that are inconsistent with the observed linewidths ([Reynolds 1985a], 1985b).

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Toney Minter
Fri May 9 10:53:40 EDT 1997