NEW!!! NSF Project: Pulsar Search Collaboratory
The PSC is an out-of this-world opportunity for area science teachers and their students to join an international team of astronomers in searching for new pulsars!
Research Experience for Teachers
RET is an NSF sponsored program similar to the Research Experience for Undergraduates program. The RET program gives K-12 teachers research experience by providing "summer jobs" working alongside an astronomer or engineer. NRAO sites in Socorro, NM and Green Bank, WV offer RET internships.
Sign up for our 2.5 day short courses for college faculty. Chautauqua Short Courses are an annual series of forums in which scholars at the frontiers of various sciences meet intensively for several days with undergraduate teachers of science.
Green Bank StarQuest Star Party
Get continuing ed credits July 7-10, 2010. This is a great event with talks, "how to" sessions and sharing--not to mention some great night-time observing. Organized by the Central Appalachian Astronomy Club, the Kanawha Valley Astronomical Society, and the NRAO. NRAO will provide teachers with continuing ed. credit letters.
StarLab Portable Planetarium
NRAO will loan its StarLab to teachers who have completed a one-day training session. We prefer to hold training for small groups of teachers at once. Contact Sue Ann to request training at your school!