Station Software Outputs

Two types of station outputs are generated during the tracking passes, satellite telemetry data files and station status files. After the tracking passes, five additional outputs are produced.

Only one station output, the status file, is generated directly by the realtime system. All other outputs are generated by the offline system. Below, a schematic diagram shows the relationships of output programs and the output files.

Doppler and Delta-T

The Doppler and Delta-T processing is complicated, but the two programs share many common parts. Below, the schematic diagram shows the relationships of the data validation and modelling parts of the Doppler and Delta-T programs.


The doppler file is produced after a given tracking pass has ended. This file contains information used for orbit determination by the JPL Navigation Team. GBES memo 66 describes how the doppler data are derived from the measured TWT phase residual data. The JPL orbit determination (doppler) file is the subject of an agreement between NRAO Green Bank and JPL. The station agreed to produce the doppler file according to the JPL Track 2-80 document (not available on-line). Some modifications were made to the specification.

A GBES memo describes the general plan for doppler data transfer. The users guide for the offline program doppler describes the arguments supplied to the program by the operators.


The deltaT file is produced after a given tracking pass has ended. There are two files produced by "deltaT" - the delta file (or time corrections file) and the time components file. These files contain the corrections to the recorded time on the VLBA tapes for the satellite to be applied at the correlator.

The latest copy of the deltaT file specification can be found here. The users guide for the offline program deltaT describes the arguments supplied to the program by the operators.

Clock Model

The tracking station clock is driven by a maser located approximately 2 km away in the Green Bank Interferometer control building. The clock model consists of monitoring of both the maser and the station time versus GPS time. The users guide for determining the clock model is here .

Telemetry Headers

The satellite telemetry header file is generated every 15 minutes. This file contains the HALCA downlink information for the previous 15 minutes. The telemetry file contains a wide varity of information including the measurements of satellite total power detectors, temperatures of hardware modules, the uplink power parameters and state of the satellite observing system. These telemetry header files are made available automatically via anonymous ftp during the tracking pass.

After the tracking pass, a single file is created, containing all telemetry data collected during the tracking pass. The latest copy of the Telemetry Header Format specification is kept on-line.

Tape Log

The tape log contains a description of the location of the data on the tapes, data flags and calibration tone measurements. The tapeLog program takes only station log files as input and produces a single output file per tracking pass per tape drive used during the pass. The tape log files are retrieved by the VSOG and merged with other tape logs for the same experiments. The correllators may also directly read the tape logs.

The users guide for the offline program tapeLog describes the arguments supplied to the program by the operators. The file specification is kept on-line. The description references input specifications for the Mitaka, VLBA and Canadian (S2) Correlators.

Performance Log

The performance log is an ascii, time-tagged, summary of events and measurements made during the tracking pass. The specification for the performance log describes the logical content of the file. The users guide for the offline program performanceLog describes the arguments supplied to the program by the operators.

Return to the Station Software Guide. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) is a facillity of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.
Last update: 97 July 3