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STATE Binary Table Extension

The SpectralProcessor FITS keywords for the STATE table conforms to the definition for common FITS headers as described in GBT Software Project Note 4.0 ``Device and Log FITS Files for the GBT.'' The row number provides the index into the STATE dimension of the seventh column (DATA) in the DATA table. The order of the states in this table is that of the STATE dimension in the DATA cube.

Note that the SpectralProcessor cannot act as a slave to switching signals generated from an external source, i.e., it must be the master. An example STATE header, plus ASCII listing of typical table data, is given below:

STATE Binary Tables Extension: Header
this will wait for actual data

STATE Binary Tables Extension: Data (complete)
wait for real data

Note that this table describes the SpectralProcessor's internal configuration of switching signals, it is name STATE in accordance with common M&C usage and convention in the other GBT backend FITS files.

Bob Garwood