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GBT standard primary header keywords

The Primary Header of all GBT FITS files starts with a number of required keywords, and finishes with the keyword END as shown in the example below:

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                    8 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of data axes
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
ORIGIN  = 'NRAO Green Bank'    / 
INSTRUME= 'GO      '           / File was created by GBT Observer's Interface
GBTMCVER= '3.3.2   '           / telescope control software release
FITSVER = '1.2     '           / FITS definition version for this device
DATEBLD = 'Thu Jun 21 18:46:25 GMT 2001' / time program was linked
SIMULATE=                    0 / Is the instrument in simulate mode
DATE-OBS= '2001-10-27T02:56:30' / Manager parameter startTime
TIMESYS = 'UTC     '           / time scale specification for DATE-OBS
TELESCOP= 'NRAO_GBT'           / Green Bank Telescope (Robert C. Byrd 100m)
OBJECT  = 'ugc11891'           / Manager parameter source
PROJID  = 'tigerTeam_05'       / Manager parameter projectId
OBSID   = 'test'               / Manager parameter scanId
SCAN    =                   17 / integer scan identifier
Other keywords as described in this document

The meaning of these parameters are as described in GBT/SPN/004, with the following exceptions:

Bob Garwood