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User Documentation


Last modification date:
Wed Sep 28 13:27:09 2016


procedure nregion, regions

Set some regions for use by other GUIDE procedures and functions.

This sets the !g.regions structure with the regions described by the regions argument. Overlaps in regions are eliminated and the resulting contents of !g.regions is a set of unique, non-overlapping regions. Regions are expressed as channel numbers. This procedure always clears the contents of !g.regions before starting.

Note: there is a limit of 100 regions. If you need to use more regions you will need to either use the fitting functions directly or make a local copy of the guide_struct file which defines the !g structure and edit the sizes in there.

All of these produce identical results
    ; as 1-D array
    nregion, [125,180,215,300,320,475]
    ; as 2-D array
    nregion, [[125,180],[215,300],[320,475]]
    ; same regions, beginning and end channels swapped
    nregion, [180,125,300,215,320,475]
    ; overlapping regions
    nregion, [125,160,150,180,215,300,320,420,400,475]

in, required
integer array
The regions to set. If this is a 1D array, then it is interpreted as a sequence of beginning and ending channels which define n_elements/2 regions, inclusive. A warning is issued in that case if n_elements is not a multiple of 2. The trailing, unmatched value will be ignored. Values after the first negative value encountered are also ignored. If this is a 2D array, then the first dimension must be 2 and the second dimension is the number of regions. A warning is issued if this argument gives more than 100 regions. Only the first 100 regions are used in that case. Overlaping regions are eliminated.

Produced by IDLdoc 1.6 on Wed Sep 28 13:27:35 2016