Produced by IDL 7.1.1
Developer Documentation


Last modification date:
Wed Sep 28 13:27:14 2016


function gethadec(dc[, equinox], [/quiet])

Get the HA and DEC at the requested equinox from a data container.

This returns the Hour Angle and Declination as a 2-element vector (for spectral line data) or array (with dimension of [2, the number of integrations] for continuum data) appropriate for the given data container given the requested equinox. If equinox is not supplied, the value in the header is used if present and set, otherwise 2000.0 is used (e.g. if the data container holds GALACTIC coordinates). The values in the longitude_axis and latitude_axis are used as is the coordinate_mode. If the coordinate_mode is HADEC and the equinox argument is not supplied or it matches the equinox in the data container, then those values are returned as is.

If the data container's coordinate_mode field is OTHER then the values are returned as is and a warning message is emited. That warning message can be suppressed if /quiet is set.

vector (spectral line) or array (continuum) holding HA and DEC in degrees

in, required
data container
The data container to get the coordinate values from.
in, optional
The equinox to use (decimal years). Defaults to the value of dc.equinox.

in, optional
When set, warning messages are suppressed.

Produced by IDLdoc 1.6 on Wed Sep 28 13:27:23 2016