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Last modification date:
Wed Sep 28 13:27:13 2016


procedure dcaccum, accumbuf, dc, [weight=float], [/quiet]

Add a data container into an ongoing accumulation in a given accum_struct structure.

If this is the first item to be "accum"ed, it will also be used as a template, stored in accumbuf.template, to be used by accumave.

If the polarization of any items being accumed does not match that of template, the polarization of the template is changed to 'I'.

This combines the UniPOPS functionality of ACCUM and SUM. The SUM name is already in use in IDL.

This is primarily for use inside procedures and functions where it is useful to average several data containers without disturbing the public data containers in the guide structure. Most users will find using accum preferable to using dcaccum.

A warning message is shown if either the frequency_resolution or the frequency_interval do not match that in an already on-going accumulation. If the quiet flag is on, then this message is suppressed. In either case, the accumulation proceeds.

If a weight is not supplied, it will be exposure*frequency_resolution/tsys^2

weight can either be a scalar or it can be a vector having the same number of elements as the data in dc.

If all of data is blanked (not a number) then it is completely ignored and the accumulated weight, times, and system temperatures are unchanged. If individual regions are blanked then the weight at those channels is 0. When an average is requested (accumave) this weight array is used to rescale the data. That weight array is also available when the average is requested. If that weight array is used as input in a future average, the averaging can continue from the same point as before.

If all of the weight values (supplied or the default value as described above) are not finite (not a number) this routine behaves as if the data are blanked and the data are ignored and the accumulated values are unchanged.

If the Tsys value is not finite (not a number) but the weights and data are at least partially finite, then the Tsys value is ignored in the ongoing weighted Tsys^2 accumulation. The weights used in the Tsys^2 accumulation are kept separate from the data weights.

average some data
   a = {accum_struct}
   accumclear,a  ; not necessary here, but a good habit to follow
   ; get several records at once
   s = !g.lineoutio->get_spectra(index=0)
   data_free,s ; be sure to clean up, else leaks memory
   s = !g.lineoutio->get_spectra(index=1)
   dv = dcvshift, a, s ; align in velocity
   dcshift, a, dv ; actually do the shift to align
   data_free, s
   show, s
   data_free, s  
See ave for additional examples.
accumulate data_valid data_free

in/out, required
The structure containing the accumulation that you want to add to.
in, required
The data container to accum.

in, optional
The weight to use for this data. If this is not set, a weight of exposure*frequency_resolution/tsys^2 will be used. Weight can either be a scalar (uniform weight across at all channels) or it can be an array having the same number of elements as the data in dc.
in, optional
If set, suppress warning messages about frequency resolution and interval not matching values in accumbuf.

Produced by IDLdoc 1.6 on Wed Sep 28 13:27:22 2016