Produced by IDL 7.1.1
Developer Documentation


Last modification date:
Wed Sep 28 13:27:13 2016


procedure reshow

Reshow the contents of the data plotter.

This is primarily used internally whenever the list of things overplotted on the main data container is changed (e.g. vline, annotate, gbtoplot, oshow, etc). However, it is also useful to users in two circumstances. If you have killed the plotter window by clicking on the appropriate frame decoration in your display then reshow will cause it to reappear exactly as it was before. It is also useful if you want to string together several vline or annotate calls before updating the plotter (using the /noshow argument in each call). This can greatly speed up that operation.

     ; first, show something
     getrec, 1
     velo ; switch to velocity axis
     ; make a vertical line at several places - label above y-axis
     vline, 5.0, ylabel=1.05, label='A', /ynorm, /noshow
     vline, 7.0, ylabel=1.05, label='A', /ynorm, /noshow
     vline, 10.0, ylabel=1.05, label='A', /ynorm, /noshow
     ; none of that has been plotted yet, use reshow to do that

Produced by IDLdoc 1.6 on Wed Sep 28 13:27:21 2016