Produced by IDL 7.1.1
Developer Documentation


Last modification date:
Wed Sep 28 13:27:12 2016


procedure cont

Switch to continuum mode. The value of !g.line is set to 0. That value is used by several procedures and functions to decide how they should behave (e.g. get).

   cont                 ; continuum mode
   filein,'mydcr.fits'  ; open a continuum data FITS file from the DCR
   getrec, 10           ; plot some data
   line                 ; back to line mode
                        ; any previously opened data (via filein or
                        ; dirin) in line mode remains open (and the
                        ; continuum data opened here is also still
                        ; open).

Produced by IDLdoc 1.6 on Wed Sep 28 13:27:17 2016