High Frequency Weather Forecasts

Last updated: Sat, Oct 26, 20:00:00 UT

Ronald J Maddalena (Retired) and Larry Morgan
Green Bank Observatory, Green Bank, WV

Cloud Overview

Overview of Cloud Coverage and Conditions Unsuitable for Continuum Observations:

Cloud Coverage Overview Legend Various colors codes depict different aspects of cloud coverage and other criteria for scheduling continuum projects.  In short, the times when conditions are best for continuum observing are those where blue extends from the top to the bottom of the figure.  Any shade of white, cyan, or magenta indicate less than perfect continuum conditions.

Dark Magenta: Unsuitable for Mustang (Daytime or high winds)
Medium Magenta: Unsuitable for Mustang (Atmos Tsys > 50 K)
Light Magenta: Suitable for some Mustang (Atmos Tsys is 35-50 K )
Cyan Unsuitable for all others systems (LWd > 300 W/m2)

The display is divided into various horizontal bands whose purposes and color schemes are as follows:
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