Instructions for ~rmaddale/bin/getForecastValues

Ronald J Maddalena
September 9, 2014

The script underlies the calibration for the GBT data pipeline

 getForecastValues -- Returns either Opacities, Tsys_atm, Tatm, or Rest for a
                  list of frequencies and MJD's or a list of polynomial
                  coefficients that can then be used to generate values. Uses
                  polynomial fits which are archived once per hour by the CLEO
                  forecast utilities.  The results are generated much faster
                  than when  using the full-blown cleo forecasts programs,
                  though there is a small loss of accuracy over that provided
                  by cleo forecasts. The archive goes back to 5 May 2004 and
                  extends to up to 7 days into the future.
     getForecastValues [-h | -help]
           [-type Opacity|Tatm|AtmTsys|Tsys|TotalTsys|Est|Rest|Trcvr|Tau0|Tatm0]
           [-timeList listMJDs] [startTime mjd] [stopTime mjd] [incrTime mjd]
           [-freqList listGHz] [startFreq GHz] [stopFreq GHz] [incrFreq GHz]
           [-elev elevation] [-dir path] [-coeff] [-debug]

If -coeff is NOT specified:
      Returns a list of time and frequency-stamped values using the polynomial
      coefficients found as subdirectories of ~rmaddale/Weather.  The values
      in these files are calculated hourly by the CLEO forecasting package
      from the average of the three local town forecasts.
      The returned values will be interpolated between the nearest time stamps
      in the archived coefficient data.  The output will be multiple lines,
      each line will give the quantities 'type' (Opacity, Tsys, Tatm, or
      Rest, ...), followed by the frequency and MJD of the calculated value
      within parentheses, an equal sign, and then the calculated value.
      For example:
          Opacity(115.45,54553.8158912) = -9999
          Opacity(22.2,54553.8158912)   = 0.185762649207
          Opacity(30.0,54553.8158912)   = 0.113792336834
          Opacity(45.0,54553.8158912)   = 0.270589812026
      If a value cannot be calculated (either the users supplied a frequency or
      time stamp that is not covered by the archive, or there is a hole > 4 hrs
      in the archive for the desired time stamp), -9999 will be returned.
If -coeff is specified:
      Returns a list of coefficients so that the user can then calculate their
      own values at any frequency.  The returned values will be  interpolated
      between the nearest time stamps in the archived coefficient data.  The
      output will be multiple lines, each line will give the quantities 'type'
      (Opacity, Tsys, Tatm, or  Rest), followed by the MJD of the calculated
      value within parentheses, an equal sign, and then a TCL list.  The list
      will have three sublists, one for each of three frequency bands.  Each
      sublist will itself contain a list of polynomial coefficients that are to
      be used in that lists band, followed by thechi square of the fit.
      For example:
      # Frequency Bands: 6 - 22.2, 22.2 - 50, 67 - 116, in GHz
      Opacity(55088.6778935) = {{0.1253202697 -0.04723900904 0.006761806394
                -0.0004079950568 9.012215005e-06} 6.053071176e-06
                {3.519785243 -0.3868765402 0.01625918622 -0.0003067177559
                2.209766347e-06} 0.000106007689 {2109.17448 -141.386304
                3.940260533 -0.05841611896 0.0004858081949 -2.14846586e-06
                3.947017435e-09} 7.022269956e-05}
      If coefficients cannot be found (probably because time stamp is not
      covered by the archive or there is a hole > 4 hrs in the archive),
      coefficients and chi squares of -9999 will be returned.
    Output units for the generated quantities are:
        Kelvin              : System Temperature, Atmosphere Temperature, Rest,
                              Receiver Temperature
        Nepers/Air Mass     : Opacity
      The user can use default options by not specifying any command-line
      arguments or supply values to the following arguments:
      -h or -help
          Brings up this help page and all other options are ignored
          Whether coefficients, and not values, are to be returned.  The default
          is to supply values.  Only available for -types of Opacity or Tatm
      -typeList list
          A list of the types of the values to be returned (Default: Opacity).
              Opacity: the total zenith opacity
              Tatm: the opacity-weighted (i.e., representative) temperature of
                  the atmosphere and is the value that should be used when
                  fitting traditional tipping curves.
              AtmTsys:  the part of the system temperature due to just the
                  atmosphere, doesn't include CMB, spillover, and electronics,
                  and is calculated for the specified elevation.
              Tsys: Deprecated -- the same as AtmTsys
              TotalTsys: the above-described Tsys value, augmented by an
                  estimate of the contributions from the receiver, spillover,
                  and the CMB.
              Est: the Effective System Temperature for the specified elevation.
              Rest: the Relative Effective System Temperature, which includes
                  the contributions from the CMB, spillover, and electronics,
                  and is calculated for the specified elevation.
              Trcvr: An estimate of the receiver temperature for the given
                  frequency and MJD
              Tau0: The best possible opacity for the given frequency and MJD
              Tau10, Tau25, Tau50, Tau75, Tau90: The opacity for various 
                  percentile weather conditions for the given frequency and MJD,
                  based on multi-year statistical studies.
              Tatm0: The Tatm for the given frequency and MJD at the time of the
                  best possible opacity.
              Tatm10, Tatm25, Tatm50, Tatm75, Tatm90: The Tatm for various 
                  percentile weather conditions for the given frequency and MJD,
                  based on multi-year statistical studies.
      -elev deg
          The elevation, in degrees, to use for Tsys, TotalTsys, Est and REST
          calculations.  Ignored for all other calculations.  Default is 30 deg.
      -freqList list
          List of frequencies in GHz that can range from 6 to 116 GHz.
          Ignored if -coeff is specified
      -startFreq, -stopFreq, incrFreq
          Alternatively, one can enter a start, stop frequency and a frequency
          increment, all in GHz.  These are ignored if freqList or -coef is
          specified.  Defaults are 6, 116, and 1 GHz
      -timeList list
          List of MJD's.  Default is the current time.  Must be between
          5 May 2004 and within two hours of the last entry in the archive,
          which is usually the current hour.
      -startMJD, -stopMJD, incrMJD
          Alternatively, one can enter a start, stop time and a time increment,
          all specified as MJD's  These are ignored if timeList is specified.
          Default is the current time and 0.04166666 (i.e., 1 hr).
      -dir path
          Optional path to the database files.  Normally, this is not needed
          since the default path usually points to the best dataset.
          Turns on debugging