#!/bin/csh # do the weather processing here set bdir = $1 set wsta = $2 set datesel = "$3 $4 $5" set prevwd = `pwd` # set the weather sampler name set wsamp = "Weather-Weather$wsta-weather$wsta" set ofil = "wxdat$wsta.tmp" # echo the command echo "$bdir/rfclock_rh7 -p /home/gbtlogs -c $wsamp $datesel -o $ofil -w" # actually do the command $bdir/rfclock_rh7 -p /home/gbtlogs -c $wsamp $datesel -o $ofil -w echo -n "want to plot? (cr)no, (1)temp, (2)humidity, (3)wind, (4)vectors :" set wreply = $< if($wreply < 1) then exit else set prevwd = `pwd` cd /users/fghigo/CLOCKS/dailyplots endif set tfil = $prevwd/$ofil echo -n "hard copy? (cr)no, (1)yes : " set hc = $< switch ($wreply) case 1: if($hc != 1) then idl -e "giplt,'$tfil','Temp' & t=dialog_message('Done')" endif if($hc == 1) then idl -e "giplt,'$tfil','Temp',/hcopy" lp -d $PRINTER giplt.ps endif breaksw; case 2: if($hc != 1) then idl -e "giplt,'$tfil','RelHum' & t=dialog_message('Done')" endif if($hc == 1) then idl -e "giplt,'$tfil','RelHum',/hcopy" lp -d $PRINTER giplt.ps endif breaksw; case 3: if($hc != 1) then idl -e "giplt,'$tfil','Wmax(m/s)' & t=dialog_message('Done')" endif if($hc == 1) then idl -e "giplt,'$tfil','Wmax(m/s)',/hcopy" lp -d $PRINTER winddirwplot.ps endif breaksw; case 4: if($hc != 1) then idl -e "winddirw,'$tfil' & t=dialog_message('Done')" endif if($hc == 1) then idl -e "winddirw,'$tfil',/hcopy" lp -d $PRINTER winddirwplot.ps endif breaksw; endsw mv giplt.ps $prevwd cd $prevwd