#!/bin/bash -f # newtimeplot : try out new rfclock with idl plotter echo "********************************" echo "newtimeplot3 starts " `date` # revisions Sept 2018 # revised version: put temp images in CLOCKS/dailyplots # and plots for web display in timer/dailyplotdat # include plots for new MicroSemi maser and new CNS_GPS receiver # revision Oct 2019 -- for running on red hat 7 computer # arcturus is not RH7 as of Oct 9 2019. export bdir=/users/fghigo/bin export gdir=/users/fghigo/CLOCKS/dailyplots # note: giplt.pro must be in dailyplots/ export olddir=`pwd` export tdir=/home/www.gb.nrao.edu/ftp/pub/fghigo/timer/dailyplotdat source /users/fghigo/.bash_profile source /home/sparrow/release/sparrow.bash cd $gdir echo "newtimeplot check1" `date` # First do the 1pps 90 day plots $bdir/rfclock_rh7 -p /home/gbtlogs -c SiteTime-OnePps-OnePpsDeltas -n 90 -o pps90.tmp -w /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'pps90.tmp','CNS_GPS',ylims=[-400, +400],/hcopy" echo "newtimeplot check2" `date` gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=cns90plt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -opt -prog -gray cns90plt.jpg > cns90plot.jpg /bin/mv cns90plot.jpg $tdir echo "newtimeplot check3" `date` # do last 2 days, no averaging # $bdir/rfclock -p /home/gbtlogs -c SiteTime-OnePps-OnePpsDeltas -n 2 -o pps2.tmp # for new CNS_GPS1 and MicroSem #-------------------------------- /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'pps90.tmp','MicroSem',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=msemiplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -opt -prog -gray msemiplt.jpg > msemi90dtemp.jpg /bin/mv msemi90dtemp.jpg $tdir /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'pps90.tmp','MSM-GPS',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=MSMdplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -opt -prog -gray MSMdplt.jpg > MSM90dtemp.jpg /bin/mv MSM90dtemp.jpg $tdir /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'pps90.tmp','CNS2018',ylims=[-400,400],/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=cns2018_90dplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -opt -prog -gray cns2018_90dplt.jpg > cns2018_90dtemp.jpg /bin/mv cns2018_90dtemp.jpg $tdir #-------------------------------- # do 10-day plots : $bdir/rfclock_rh7 -p /home/gbtlogs -c SiteTime-OnePps-OnePpsDeltas -n 10 -o pps10.tmp -w # do 10-day microsemiplot /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'pps10.tmp','MicroSem',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=msemi10plt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -opt -prog -gray msemi10plt.jpg > msemi10dtemp.jpg /bin/mv msemi10dtemp.jpg $tdir /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'pps10.tmp','CNS2018',ylims=[-400,0],/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=cns2018_10dplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -opt -prog -gray cns2018_10dplt.jpg > cns2018_10dtemp.jpg /bin/mv cns2018_10dtemp.jpg $tdir /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'pps10.tmp','MSM-GPS',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=MSM10dplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -opt -prog -gray MSM10dplt.jpg > MSM10dtemp.jpg /bin/mv MSM10dtemp.jpg $tdir /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'pps10.tmp','CNS_GPS',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=cns10plt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -opt -prog -gray cns10plt.jpg > cns10temp.jpg /bin/mv cns10temp.jpg $tdir #-------------------------------- #-------------------------------- # now do the RTP (round-trip phase) $bdir/rfclock_rh7 -p /home/gbtlogs -c SiteTime-Rtpm140-Rtpm -n 2 -o rtpm2.tmp /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'rtpm2.tmp','Delay',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=rtp2.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -prog -gray -o rtp2.jpg > rtpmtemp.jpg /bin/mv rtpmtemp.jpg $tdir # now do the weather # do weather 2 for the wind max later $bdir/rfclock_rh7 -p /home/gbtlogs -c Weather-Weather2-weather2 -n 2 -o wx2m.tmp -w # change to weather 1 for temperature, relhum, and pressure $bdir/rfclock_rh7 -p /home/gbtlogs -c Weather-Weather1-weather1 -n 2 -o wx1m.tmp -w # /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'wx2m.tmp','Temp',/hcopy" /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'wx1m.tmp','Temp',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=giplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray giplt.jpg > temptemp.jpg /bin/mv temptemp.jpg $tdir # /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'wx2m.tmp','RelHum',/hcopy" /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'wx1m.tmp','RelHum',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=giplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray giplt.jpg > rhtemp.jpg /bin/mv rhtemp.jpg $tdir # /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'wx2m.tmp','Press',ylims=[900,950],/hcopy" /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'wx1m.tmp','Press',ylims=[900,950],/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=giplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray giplt.jpg > presstemp.jpg /bin/mv presstemp.jpg $tdir /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'wx2m.tmp','Wmax(m/s)',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=giplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray giplt.jpg > wmaxtemp.jpg /bin/mv wmaxtemp.jpg $tdir # now do weather 1 $bdir/rfclock_rh7 -p /home/gbtlogs -c Weather-Weather1-weather1 -n 2 -o wx1m.tmp -w /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'wx1m.tmp','Wmax(m/s)',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=giplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray giplt.jpg > w1maxtemp.jpg /bin/mv w1maxtemp.jpg $tdir # do weather 3 $bdir/rfclock_rh7 -p /home/gbtlogs -c Weather-Weather3-weather3 -n 2 -o wx3m.tmp -w /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'wx3m.tmp','Wmax(m/s)',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=giplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray giplt.jpg > w3maxtemp.jpg /bin/mv w3maxtemp.jpg $tdir # do wind roses # do weather with no medianing $bdir/rfclock_rh7 -p /home/gbtlogs -c Weather-Weather2-weather2 -n 1 -o wx2mraw.tmp $bdir/rfclock_rh7 -p /home/gbtlogs -c Weather-Weather1-weather1 -n 1 -o wx1mraw.tmp $bdir/rfclock_rh7 -p /home/gbtlogs -c Weather-Weather3-weather3 -n 1 -o wx3data.out /opt/local/bin/idl -e "winddir,/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=dwinds.jpg -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q dualwinds.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray dwinds.jpg > dwinds1.jpg /bin/mv dwinds1.jpg $tdir /opt/local/bin/idl -e "winddir3plots" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=wwind3.jpg -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q wwind3.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray wwind3.jpg > wwind3r.jpg /bin/mv wwind3r.jpg $tdir # delaycal vs temperature /opt/local/bin/idl -e "rtdelaycal,wxfile='wx1m.tmp',/tslope,/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=dfitplot.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q dfitplot.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray dfitplot.jpg > delaycal.jpg /bin/mv delaycal.jpg $tdir source /home/sparrow/release/sparrow.bash echo "python version is " `which python` # copy null plot in case pyrgeometers are off line /bin/cp NullPlot.ps giplt.ps #----------------------------------------------- # new method : pyrgeometers and pyranometers python -c 'from pyrgpyran import *; getpp(2)' /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'pyrgpyrn.out','netIR',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=giplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray giplt.jpg > pyrgirrd.jpg /bin/mv pyrgirrd.jpg $tdir /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'pyrgpyrn.out','skyTemp',plab2='downWrad',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=giplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray giplt.jpg > pyrgtemp.jpg /bin/mv pyrgtemp.jpg $tdir /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt,'pyrgpyrn.out','UVrad',plab2='upWrad',/hcopy" gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=giplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray giplt.jpg > pyrgdnup.jpg /bin/mv pyrgdnup.jpg $tdir /opt/local/bin/idl -e "giplt, 'pyrgpyrn.out', 'netdownFlux',/hcopy " gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=giplt.jpg -r300 -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q giplt.ps jpegtran -rot 270 -o -prog -gray giplt.jpg > pyrantotal.jpg /bin/mv pyrantotal.jpg $tdir #----------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------ # add the sync monitors # $gdir/syncmon.csh # add the inclinometers cd /users/fghigo/ptcs/Pmons /opt/local/bin/idl -e "pinclinoms" # and the quadrant detector /opt/local/bin/idl -e "pqd" # and the accelerometers /opt/local/bin/idl -e "pacc" cd $olddir echo "********************************" echo "newtimeplot ends" `date`