# # Decscriptions to appear in the registry header, # along with the assignments are XXXDesc entries # AX0 := "Site1Hz" AX0Desc := "TRAK Clock, by ST Maser" # # AX1 := "CNS_GPS1" AX1Desc := "CNS GPS receiver (1pps output) purchased 2014" # AX2 := "CNS2018" AX2Desc := "CNS GPS receiver (1pps output) purchased 2018" # The second GPS receiver AX3 := "CNS_GPS2" AX3Desc := "CNS GPS receiver (1/100pps output) purchased 2014" # The new MicroSemi Maser, purchased/installed 2018 AX4 := "MicroSemi" AX4Desc := "MicroSemi Maser" # # BX0 := "Site1Hz" BX0Desc := "TRAK Clock, by ST Maser" # BX1 := "CNS_GPS1" BX1Desc := "CNS GPS receiver (1pps output) purchased 2014" # BX2 := "CNS2018" BX2Desc := "CNS GPS receiver (1pps output) purchased 2018" # # The second GPS receiver BX3 := "CNS_GPS2" BX3Desc := "CNS GPS receiver (1/100pps output) purchased 2014" # The new maser installed 2018 BX4 := "MicroSemi" BX4Desc := "MicroSemi Maser" # # This is the formatter in use BY0 := "GBT_VLBA" BY0Desc := "GBT VLBA formatter" # # Added for Radio Astron Sept 2013 BY1 := "RA" BY1Desc := "Radio Astron 43m" # BY2 := "GBTRtn" BY2Desc := "Site1Hz returned from GBT" # Rubidium 1PPS # BY3 := "Rubidium" # BY3Desc := "Rubidium standard" # #END # Comparison Limits expressed with naming aaa vs. bbb # tolerance +/- about the nominal value. # Note: Only entries listed here will be checked and # emit a message. (All inputs are sampled.) # Site1Hz vs GBTRtn AX0BY2Nominal := 29000; AX0BY2Tolerance := 3000; # CNS_GPS1 vs GBTRtn AX1BY2Nominal := 29000; AX1BY2Tolerance := 3000; # Site1Hz vs GBT_VLBA AX0BY0Nominal := 0; AX0BY0Tolerance := 4000; # CNS_GPS1 vs GBT_VLBA # AX1BY0Nominal := 0; # AX1BY0Tolerance := 4000; # Site1Hz vs CNS_GPS1 # AX0BX1Nominal := 0; # AX0BX1Tolerance := 4000; # Site1Hz vs CNS_GPS2 AX0BX3Nominal := 0; AX0BX3Tolerance := 4000; # Site1Hz vs CNS2018 AX0BX2Nominal := 0; AX0BX2Tolerance := 4000; # CNS_GPS1 vs CNS2018 AX1BX2Nominal := 0; AX1BX2Tolerance := 2000; # CNS_GPS1 vs CNS_GPS2 # AX1BX3Nominal := 0; # AX1BX3Tolerance := 2000; # Site1Hz vs Radio Astron AX0BY1Nominal := 19000; AX0BY1Tolerance := 3000; # CNS_GPS1 vs Radio Astron # AX1BY1Nominal := 19000; # AX1BY1Tolerance := 3000; # CNS_GPS1 vs. CNS_GPS1 # AX1BX1Nominal := 0; # AX1BX1Tolerance := 1000; # site 1Hz vs. site 1Hz # AX0BX0Nominal := 0; # AX0BX0Tolerance := 1000; # MicroSemi maser vs. CNS_GPS1 AX4BX1Nominal :=0; AX4BX1Tolerance := 3000; # MicroSemi maser vs. CNS_GPS2 AX4BX3Nominal :=0; AX4BX3Tolerance := 3000; # MicroSemi maser vs. Site 1PPs AX4BX0Nominal :=0; AX4BX0Tolerance := 3000; #x0...x7 correspond to 0...7 on the selector. #y0...y7 correspond to 8...15 on the selector. #If you want a signal compared against itself then #you must hook it up (physically) to an x input. #Then in this table enter an AXn and BXn entry for it. #IE: if x0 is the Site 1PPS and you want the time #difference between itself then you must put the #following into the table: #AX0 := "Site1Hz" #BX0 := "Site1Hz" # Sample rates for samplers options are (case insensitive): # Mr100MS, Mr200MS, Mr500MS, Mr1Sec, Mr2Sec, Mr5Sec, # Mr10Sec, Mr30Sec, Mr1Min, Mr2Min, Mr5Min, Mr10Min, # Mr30Min, Mr1Hr, # voltage_sample_period := "Mr30sec"; onepps_sample_period := "Mr30sec"; compare_mux_monitor = "true"; # These temps are in F UnderfloorTempLimit := 75.0 UnderfloorTempLower := 50.0 UnderfloorTempUpper := 100.0 ChillerTempLower := 40.0 # First 'high' limit: ChillerTempLimit := 70.0 # Second really high limit: ChillerTempUpper := 85.0