GBT Traditional Pointing Model

Currently the traditional pointing model used at the GBT consists of 8 physical terms. The M&C system corrects for these errors in the form of a two-dimensional Fourier series. The azimuth and elevation series can be expresses as a summation over the indices p and q,

f(A,E) = a(p,q)*Sin(pA)Sin(qE) + b(p,q)*Cos(pA)Sin(qE) + c(p,q)*Sin(pA)Cos(qE) + d(p,q)*Cos(pA)Cos(qE)

where A is azimuth and E is elevation. In the control system all terms share a common input position (i.e., the terms are parallel).

Azimuth Pointing Terms (DeltaA*Cos(E))
Harmonic Term TPOINT Term Functional Form Physical Meaning
d0,0 CA 1 Horizontal Collimation
b0,1 NPAE Sin(E) El Axle Collimation
d0,1 IA Cos(E) Az Zero
b1,1 AW Cos(A)Sin(E) Zenith E-Tilt
a1,1 AN Sin(A)Sin(E) Zenith N-Tilt

Elevation Pointing Terms (DeltaE)
Harmonic Term TPOINT Term Functional Form Physical Meaning
d0,0 -IE 1 El Zero
c1,0 -AW Sin(A) Zenith E-Tilt
d1,0 AN Cos(A) Zenith N-Tilt
b0,1 HZCZ Sin(E) Asymmetric Gravity
d0,1 HZSZ Cos(E) Symmetric Gravity

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Last modified: Thu Oct 24 10:21:29 EDT 2002