List of publications about and results from the Green Bank Interferometer.
The list of papers after 1984 is fairly complete; earlier papers are a
selection and not by any means complete.
1960-1978 (NRAO era)
1978-1987 (USNO era)
1987-1996 (NRL era)
1997--> (NASA era)
1966 Ap.J. 145: 21. B.G.Clark and D.E.Hogg. "Radio-source Fringe
Visibilities with an Interferometer of 21500-Wavelength base line.
- 1969 Astron.J. 74, 1206. D.E.Hogg, G.H.Macdonald, R.G.Conway,
and C.M.Wade. "Synthesis of Brightness Distribution in Radio Sources."
1974 Ap.J. 194: 265. B.Balick and R.L.Brown.
"Intense Sub-Arcsecond Structure in the Galactic Center."
1976 Phys.Rev.Letters. 36:1475. E.B.Fomalont and R.A.Sramek.
"Measurements of the solar gravitational deflection of radio waves
in agreement with general relativity."
1976 Mem.Roy.Astron.Soc. 82: 1. D.R.Altschuler and J.F.C.Wardle.
"Observations of the Flux Density and Linear Polarization of Compact
Extragalactic Radio Sources at 3.7- and 11.1-cm wavelength."
1977 Astron.J. 82: 688. P.P.Kronberg, and J.F.C. Wardle.
"Further linear polarization measurements of extragalactic radio
sources at 3.71 and 11.1 cm."
1979 Astron.J. 84: 725. B.Dennison. "On Intracluster Faraday
Rotation. I. Observations."
1982 Ap.J. 253: 109. R.L.Brown and K.Y.Lo. "Variability of the
Compact Radio Source at the Galactic Center."
1984 Ap.J. 277: L23. K. J. Johnston, B. J. Geldzahler,
J. H. Spencer, E. B. Waltman, W. J. Klepczynski, F. J. Josties,
P. E. Angerhofer, D. R. Florkowski, D. D. McCarthy
and D. N. Matsakis. "Rapid Radio Variations in the Flux
Density of BL Lacertae".
1984 Astron.J. 89: 509. K. J. Johnston, B. J. Geldzahler,
J. H. Spencer, E. B. Waltman, W. J. Klepczynski, F. J. Josties,
P. E. Angerhofer, D. R. Florkowski, D. D. McCarthy
and D. N. Matsakis. "Further 11.1 and 3.7 cm Flux Density
Variations of SS433".
1986 Ap.J. 309: 707. K. J. Johnston, J. H. Spencer,
R. S. Simon, E. B. Waltman, G. G. Pooley, R. E. Spencer,
R. W. Swinney, P. E. Angerhofer, D. R. Florkowski, F. J. Josties,
D. D. McCarthy, D. N. Matsakis, D. E. Reese, and R. M. Hjellming.
"Radio Flux Density Variations of Cygnus X-3".
1986 Astron.J. 91: 231. E.B.Waltman, B.J.Geldzahler, K.J.Johnston,
J. H. Spencer, P.E.Angerhofer, D.R.Florkowski, F.J.Josties,
D.D.McCarthy, and D.N.Matsakis. "Daily Observations of Compact Radio
Sources in 1983."
1986 Astron.J. 91: 1463. D.N.Matsakis, F.J.Josties, P.E.Angerhofer,
D.R.Florkowski, and D.D.McCarthy. "The Green Bank Interferometer as a
Tool for the Measurement of Earth Orientation Parameters."
1987 Astron.J. 92: 248. Erratum to above paper.
1987 Ap.J.Suppl. 65: 319. R.L.Fiedler, E.B.Waltman, J.H.Spencer,
K.J.Johnston, P.E.Angerhofer, D.R.Florkowski, F.J.Josties,
W.J.Klepczynski, D.D.McCarthy, and D.N.Matsakis. "Daily
Observations of Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources at 2695
and 8085 MHz, 1979-1985."
1987 Ap.J. 313: 141. Brian Dennision, R. Fiedler,
K. J. Johnston, J. H. Spencer, E. B. Waltman, P. E. Angerhofer,
D. R. Florkowski, F. J. Josties, W. J. Klepczynski, D. D. McCarthy,
and D. N. Matsakis. "Evidence for Refractive Scintillation of
Two Extragalactic Sources Seen Through the Galactic Disk".
1987 Nature. 326: 675. R. L. Fiedler, B. Dennison,
K. J. Johnston, and A. Hewish. "Extreme Scattering Events Caused
by Compact Structures in the Interstellar Medium".
1987 Astron.J. 94: 1244. R. L. Fiedler, K. J. Johnston,
J. H. Spencer, E. B. Waltman, D. R. Florkowski, D. N. Matsakis,
F. J. Josties, P. E. Angerhofer, W. J. Klepczynski,
and D. D. McCarthy. "Observations of SS 433 at 2695 and 8085 MHz,
1989 IAU Circular 4798. E. B. Waltman, R. L. Fiedler, and K. J. Johnston.
"V1521 Cygni (Cygnus X-3)"
1989 IAU Circular 4817. E. B. Waltman, R. L. Fiedler, and K. J. Johnston.
"V1521 Cygni (Cygnus X-3)"
1990 IAU Circular 5075. E. B. Waltman, R. L. Fiedler, and K. J. Johnston.
"V1521 Cygni"
1991 Ap.J.Suppl. 77: 379. E.B.Waltman, R.L.Fiedler, K.J.Johnston,
J.H.Spencer, D.R.Florkowski, F.J.Josties, D.D.McCarthy,
and D.N.Matsakis.
"Daily Observations of Compact Radio Sources at 2.7 and 8.1 GHz:
1994 Proc.I.E.E.E. 82: 768. R.D.Norrod, G.H.Behrens, F.D.Ghigo,
B.J.Levin. "Design and Implementation of a Low-Noise Prime-Focus
S/X Receiver System for Radio Astronomy."
1994 Astron&Astrophys. 281: L85.
S.Kitamoto, S.Miyamoto, E.B.Waltman, R.L.Fiedler, K.J.Johnston,
F.D.Ghigo. "Radio, infrared and X-ray activity of Cygnus X-3".
1994 Astron.J. 108: 179. E.B.Waltman, R.L.Fiedler,
K.J.Johnston, F.D.Ghigo. "The Quiescent Level of Cygnus X-3
at 2.25 and 8.3 GHz: 1988-1992."
1994 A&A, submitted. C.J.Schalinski, K.J.Johnston,
A..Witzel, E.Waltman, G.Umana, P.E.Pavelin, F.Ghigo, T.Foley,
R.E.Spencer, R.J.Davis. "VLBI Monitoring of the Complex Jet of
Cygnus X-3 During the January 1991 Outburst."
1994 Ap.J.430: 581. R.Fiedler, B.Dennison, K.J. Johnston, E.B. Waltman, and R.S.Simon.
"A Summary of Extreme Scattering Events and a Descriptive Model".
1994 Ap.J. 433: 350. H.Watanabe, S.Kitamoto, S.Miyamoto,
R.L.Fiedler, E.B.Waltman, K.J.Johnston, and F.D.Ghigo.
"Correlation between X-ray intensity and Radio Outbursts of
Cygnus X-3."
1995 Astron&Astrophys. 295: 47. S.J. Qian, S. Britzen, A.Witzel, T.P. Krichbaum,
R. Wegner, and E. Waltman. "Flux density variability of 1741-038:
refractive scintillation and intrinsic variations"
1995 Astron&Astrophys. 303: 383, 1995.
M.Pohl, W.Reich, T.P.Krichbaum, K.Standke, S.Britzen, H.P.Reuter,
P.Reich, R.Schlickeiser, R.L.Fiedler, E.B.Waltman, F.D.Ghigo,
and K.J.Johnston. "Radio Observations of the gamma-ray quasar 0528+134."
1995 IAU Symp.175 Conf.Proc. M.Pohl, W.Reich, T.P. Krichbaum, K. Standke, S. Britzen,
H.P. Reuter, P. Reich, R. Schlickeiser, H. Ungerechts, R.L. Fiedler,
E.B. Waltman, K.J. Johnston, and F.D. Ghigo.
"Radio observations of the gamma-ray quasar 0528+134"
1995 Astron.J. 110: 290. E.B.Waltman, F.D.Ghigo, K.J.Johnston,
R.S.Foster, R.L.Fiedler, and J.H.Spencer. "The Evolution of Outbursts
in Cygnus X-3 at 2.25 and 8.3 GHz."
1995 Ap.J.447: 752. C.J. Schalinski, K.J. Johnston, A. Witzel, R.E.Spencer,
R.L. Fiedler, E. Waltman, G.G. Pooley, R. Hjellming, and L.A. Molnar.
"VLBI Observations of Cygnus X-3 During the 1985 October Radio Outburst"
1995 Conf.Proc: "Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe".
K. Leighly, M. Matsuoka, M. Dietrich, E. Waltman, R. Edelson, I. Malkan,
R. Mushotzky, and B. Peterson. "Results from Monitoring the Broad Line Galaxy 3C390.3"
1995 IAU Circular No.6204, 11 August 1995.
F.D.Ghigo, E.B.Waltman, and R.S.Foster.
"GRS 1915+105."
1995 IAU Circular No.6258. S.C. Lundgren, R.S. Foster, and E. Waltman (NRL),
D. J. Thompson, B. L. Dingus and G. Madejski (NASA), J. M. Cordes (Cornell), and P. L.
Nolan (Stanford) "2EG J0430+2910"
1995 IAU Circular 6266. E.B. Waltman, R.S. Foster, F.D. Ghigo, and M. Tavani, M.
"GRS 1915+105"
1996 ASP Conf.Ser. 93: 249. (In "Proceedings of the Barcelona Conference
on Radio Emission from Stars and the Sun," J.M.Parades and A.R.Taylor, eds.)
P. S. Ray, R. S. Foster, E. B. Waltman, F. D. Ghigo, K. J. Johnston.
"Flux Monitoring of LSI +61 303 at 2.25 and 8.3 GHz",
1996 A.S.P.Conf.Ser.93: 231.
(Proc. Barcelona Conf. on Radio Emission from the Stars and the Sun.
Taylor and Parades, eds.)
R.P. Fender, S.J. Bell Burnell, E.B. Waltman, G.G. Pooley, and
P.M. Williams. "Multi-frequency observations of the 1994 February-March
Cygnus X-3 radio flares"
1996 Ap.J.Lett. 467: L81.
R.S.Foster, E.B.Waltman, M.Tavani, B.A.Harmon, S.N Zhang,
W.S.Paciesas, F.D.Ghigo. "Radio and X-ray Variability of the
Galactic Superluminal Source GRS 1915+105."
1996 Astron.J. 112: p.2690 E.B.Waltman, R.S.Foster, G.G.Pooley,
R.P.Fender, F.D.Ghigo. "Quenched Radio Emission in Cygnus X-3.
1997 Vistas In Astronomy. 41, No.1: p.3.
(Proc. of the Workshop on Relativistic Jets from Galactic Sources
at Jodrell Bank, April 1996)
R.P. Fender, S.J. Bell Burnell, and E.B. Waltman.
"The Radio-Jet X-ray Binaries"
1997 Vistas In Astronomy. 41, No.1: p.43.
(Proc. of the Workshop on Relativistic Jets from Galactic Sources
at Jodrell Bank, April 1996)
E. B. Waltman, R. S. Foster, G. G. Pooley, and F. D. Ghigo.
"The Evolution of Outbursts in Cygnus X-3"
1997 Mon.Not.Roy.Ast.Soc. 288:849.
R.P.Fender, S.J.Bell Burnell, E.B.Waltman, G.G.Pooley,
F.D.Ghigo and R.S.Foster. "Cygnus X-3 in outburst: quenched
radio emission, radiation losses and variable local opacity."
1997 Ap.J. 491: 381.
P.S.Ray, R.S.Foster,E.B.Waltman,F.D.Ghigo,M.Tavani.
"Long-Term Flux Monitoring of LSI+61303 at 2.25 and 8.3 GHz."
1997 "The Transparent Universe": Proc. 2nd INTEGRAL Workshop,
Eds: C. Winkler, T.J.-L. Courvoisier, Ph. Durouchoux,
ESA SP-382:
M.L.McCollough, B.A.Harmon, C.R.Robinson, S.N.Zhang, R.M.Hjellming,
E.B.Waltman, F.D.Ghigo, R.S.Foster, and K.J.Johnston.
"Discovery in Cygnus X-3 of Correlated Behavior Between the
Hard X-ray and Radio"
1997 Ap.J.Lett. 477: L85.
B.A.Harmon, K.J.Deal, W.S.Paciesas, S.N.Zhang, C.R.Robinson,
E.Gerard, L.F.Rodriguez, and I.F.Mirabel.
"Hard X-ray Signature of Plasma Ejection in the Galactic Jet
Source GRS 1915+105"
1998 Ap.J. 507: 371.
R.Mutel, L.Molnar, E.Waltman, E., and F.Ghigo.
"Radio Emission from Algol. I. Coronal Geometry and Emission
Mechanisms Determined from VLBA and Green Bank Interferometer
1998 Astron&Astrophys.Suppl. (Accepted)
M.Turler, S.Paltani, T.Courvoisier, M.Aller, H.Aller,
A.Blecha, P.Bouchet, M.Lainela, I.Mc.Hardy, E.Robson,
J.Stevens, H.Terasranta, J.Tornikoski, M.Ulrich, E.Waltman,
W.Wamsteker, and M.Wright.
"30 Years of Multi-Wavelength Observations of 3C 273"
1998 New Astronomy Reviews 42, 593. Proc.of 2nd Workshop
on Relativistic Jets in Galactic Sources.
R.Fender, S.Garrington, D.McKay, T.Muxlow, R.Spencer, A.Stirling,
G.Pooley, G., and E.Waltman.
"MERLIN Observations of GRS 1915+105: a Progress Report"
1998 New Astronomy Reviews 42, 629. Proc of 2nd Workshop
on Relativistic Jets in Galactic Sources.
M.McCollough, C.Robinson, S.Zhang, B.Harmon, W.Paciesas,
S.W.Dieters, R.Hjellming, M.Rupen. A.J.Mioduszewski,
E.B.Waltman, F.Ghigo, G.G.Pooley, W.Cui, W., & S.Trushkin.
"RXTE observations of Cygnus X-3"
1998 New Astronomy Reviews 42, 637. Proc of 2nd Workshop
on Relativistic Jets in Galactic Sources.
R.Ogley, S.Burnell, R.Fender, G.Pooley, E.Waltman,
and M.van der Klis. "Magnetic Field Estimation in Cyg X-3's Jet"
1998 ASP Conference Series 154, CD-1546.
M.Richards, E.Waltman, R.Foster, and F.Ghigo.
"Flaring Activity Cycles in Beta Per and HR 1099
from a Continuous 2GHz and 8GHz Radio Survey"
1998 IAU Circular 6937.
R.M.Hjellming, M.P.Rupen, F.D.Ghigo, E.B.Waltman, and
A.J.Mioduszewski. "XTE J1748-288"
1998 Astron&Astrophys 329, 504.
C.J.Schalinski, K.J.Johnston, A.Witzel, E.B.Waltman,
G.Umana, P.E.Pavelin, F.D.Ghigo, T.Venturi, F.Mantovani,
A.R.Foley, R.E.Spencer, and R.J.Davis.
"VLBI monitoring of the complex jet of Cygnus X-3 during the
January 1991 outburst"
1998 ASP Conference Series 144, 351.
(IAU Colloquium 164).
A.J.Mioduszewski, R.H.Hjellming, M.P.Rupen, E.B.Waltman,
G.G.Pooley, F.D.Ghigo, & R.P.Fender.
"An Image of a Highly Relativistic Jet from a Large
Flare in X-ray Binary Cyg X-3"
1999 Ap.J.517: 951.
M.L.McCollough, C.R.Robinson, S.N.Zhang, B.Harmon,
R.M.Hjellming, E.B.Waltman, R.S.Foster, F.D.Ghigo,
and K.J.Johnston,
"Discovery of Correlated Behavior between the
Hard X-ray and the Radio Bands in Cygnus X-3"
1999 Mon.Not.Roy.Ast.Soc. 304: 865.
R.P.Fender, S.T.Garrington, D.J.McKay, T.Muxlow,
G.G.Pooley, R.E.Spencer, A.M.Stirling, & E.B.Waltman.
"MERLIN observations of relativistic ejections from GRS
1999 IAU Circ. 7195.
E.B.Waltman and F.D.Ghigo. "GRS 1915+105"
1999 Ap.J. 520: 361.
P.C.Gregory, P. C. "Bayesian Periodic Signal Detection.I.
Analysis of 20 Years of Radio Flux Measurements of the X-ray
Binary LSI +61 303"
1999 Ap.J.520: 376.
P.C.Gregory, M.Peracaula, and A.R.Taylor.
"Bayesian Periodic Signal Detection.II. Discovery of
Periodic Phase Modulation in LSI +61 303 Radio Outbursts"
1999 MNRAS 309: 1063.
C.Brocksopp, R.P.Fender, V.Larionov, V.M.Lyuty, A.E.Tarasov,
G.G.Pooley, W.S.Paciesas, and P.Roche.
"Orbital, precessional and flaring variability of Cygnus X-1"
2000 Ap.J. 528: 454.
F.A.Harrison, P.S.Ray, D.A.Leahy, E.B.Waltman, G.G.Pooley.
"Simultaneous X-ray and Radio Minotoring of the Unusual Binary LS I +60°303:
Measurements of the Light Curve and High-Energy Spectrum"
2000 Ap.J.Let. 530: L29.
R.Fender, D.Rayner, R.Norris, R.J.Sault, G.Pooley.
"Discovery of Circularly Polarized Radio Emission from SS 433"
2000 Ap.J. 544: 977.
R.M.Hjellming, M.P.Rupen, R.W.Hunstead, D.Campbell-Wilson,
A.J.Mioduszewski, B.M.Gaensler, D.A.Smith, R.J.Sault, R.P.Fender
R.E.Spencer, C.J. de la Force, A.M.S.Richards, S.T.Garrington,
S.A.Trushkin, F.D.Ghigo, E.B.Waltman, M.McCollough.
"Light Curves and Radio Structure of the 1999 September Transient Event
in V4641 Sagittarii (=XTE J1819-254 = SAX J1819.3-2525)."
2001 Ap.J. 553: 766.
Amy J. Mioduszewski, Michael P. Rupen, Robert M. Hjellming,
Guy G. Pooley, and Elizabeth B. Waltman.
"A One-sided Highly Relativistic Jet from Cygnus X-3."
2001 Ap.J. 558: 276. Sergey P. Trudolyubov.
"On the Two Types of Steady Hard X-Ray States of GRS 1915+105."
2001 Ap.J. 558: 283.
E. B. Fomalont, B. J. Geldzahler, C. F. Bradshaw.
"Scorpius X-1: The Evolution and Nature of the Twin Compact Radio Lobes."
2001 Ap.J.Suppl.Ser. 136: 265.
T.J.Lazio, E.B.Waltman, F.D.Ghigo, R.L.Fiedler, R.S.Foster, K.J.Johnston.
"A Dual-Frequency, Multiyear Monitoring Program of Compact Radio Sources."
2002 Ap.J. 567: 1102.
Julia C. Lee, Christopher S. Reynolds, Ronald Remillard,
Norbert S. Schulz, Eric G. Blackman, and Andrew C. Fabian.
"High-Resolution Chandra HETGS and Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer
Observations of GRS 1915+105: A Hot Disk Atmosphere and Cold Gas
Enriched in Iron and Silicon."
2002 Ap.J. 571: 918.
Y. Ueda, K. Yamaoka, C. Sánchez-Fernández, V. Dhawan, S. Chaty,
J. E. Grove, M. McCollough, A. J. Castro-Tirado, F. Mirabel, K. Kohno,
M. Feroci, P. Casella, S. A. Trushkin, H. Castaneda, J. Rodríguez,
P. Durouchoux, K. Ebisawa, T. Kotani, J. Swank, and H. Inoue.
"Study of the Largest Multiwavelength Campaign of the
Microquasar GRS 1915+105."
2002 Ap.J. 575: 427.
P. C. Gregory.
"Bayesian Analysis of Radio Observations of the Be X-Ray
Binary LS I +61°303."
2002 Ap.J. 580: 1133.
P. C. Gregory and C. Neish.
"Density and Velocity Structure of the Be Star Equatorial Disk
in the Binary LS I +61°303, a Probable Microquasar."
2003 Ap.J.Lett. 590: L37.
A. Rau, J. Greiner, and M. L. McCollough.
"The 590 Day Long-Term Periodicity of the Microquasar GRS 1915+105."
2003 Ap.J. 591: 388.
M. R. Garcia, J. M. Miller, J. E. McClintock, A. R. King, and J. Orosz.
"Resolved Jets and Long-Period Black Hole X-Ray Novae."
2003 Ap.J. 593: 452.
M. Choudhury, A. R. Rao, S. V. Vadawale, and A. K. Jain.
"Correlated Radio:X-Ray Emission in the Hard States of Galactic
2003 Ap.J.Supp.Ser. 147: 337.
Mercedes T. Richards, Elizabeth B. Waltman, Frank D. Ghigo,
and Donald St. P. Richards.
Statistical Analysis of 5 Year Continuous Radio Flare Data from
Beta Persei, V711 Tauri, Delta Librae, and UX Arietis.
2003 Ap.J. 594: 496.
Jeremy J. Drake.
"From the Heart of the Ghoul: C and N Abundances in the Corona of
Algol B."
2003 Ap.J. 597: 1023.
S. V. Vadawale, A. R. Rao, S. Naik, J. S. Yadav, C. H. Ishwara-Chandra, A. Pramesh Rao, and G. G. Pooley.
"On the Origin of the Various Types of Radio Emission in GRS 1915+105."
2004 Ap.J. 600: 368.
James C. A. Miller-Jones, Katherine M. Blundell, Michael P. Rupen,
Amy J. Mioduszewski, Peter Duffy, and Anthony J. Beasley.
"Time-sequenced Multi.Radio Frequency Observations of Cygnus X-3 in Flare."