READme File for Argus Beam-2/3 swap Issue All Argus data collected before 2018.10.22 19:30 UT have a cable swap issue between Beams 2 and 3. This cable mis-match was in the equipment room such that the Argus Beam-2 channel was connected to VEGAS channel labled as beam-3, while the Argus Beam-3 channel was connected to the VEGAS channel labled as beam-2. Nothing is wrong with the data, but the positional information for the data labeled as Beam2 and Beam3 would need to be swapped to be consistent with the actual positions on the sky for these beams. The Argus beam naming convention is from 1-16. Note the GBTIDL naming convention for "fdnum" is from 0-15, but the actual feed/beam labels are from 1-16 (as given by !g.s[0].feed within GBTIDL). --------------------- Listing_argus_beam23: This file lists all of the affected Argus observing sessions. If you find an error with this list, please contact David Frayer. Eventually, the NRAO/GBO archive will be populated with a warning message to inform potential archival scientists. ================ Fixing the Issue There are many different approaches to fixing this issue depending on the current state of your data. Originally, IDL example solutions were derived to assist users (see and, but the output files made by these scripts caused issues with the gbtgridder. Python solutions were then made, and these python based solutions work well with the gbtgridder (which is also in python). This directory includes these scripts which are recommended for fixing your data. ------------------- This script can be used to fix the raw SDFITS files. #Usage: #Warning: Replaces data in original input files #Beam-3 data are in VEGAS Bank-C and Beam-2 are in VEGAS Bank-D The script can be used in calibrated SDFITS files where the beam-3 data are in first input name and the beam-2 data are in the second input name, as long as the data in both files are in the same scan and integration order. The file "NOTES_testing" shows how this script was tested and can be used to understand what is being done. ----------- This script can be used to fix calibrated SDFITS files (e.g., KEEP files) where the input file contains both the beam-2 and beam-3 data and the data are in the same scan and integration order for both beams. #Usage: SDFITSfile.fits #Warning: Replaces data in original input file ============ If you have questions or find issues with the scripts and/or your data, please contact David Frayer.