; compile the prerequisites: @scalUtils.pro @scal.pro createCalStruct end ;---------getSnod---------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; Performs scalar Tcal calibration for a Subreflector Nod observation ; with Q, Ku, K-band, or W-band. ; ;

Combines data from the two beams in the 'correct' way. ;

Tant = mean(Tcal) * (SIG-REF)/(Cal_on-Cal_off) -- units : Kelvin ;

Ta* = Tant*exp(tau*Airmass), if units="Ta*" ;

Store results in the PDC ; ;

Note: depends on routines in scalUtils.pro ; and scal.pro ; ;

Contributed By: Ron Maddalena, NRAO-GB ;

units and tau added by F. Ghigo, NRAO-GB ; ; @param scan {in}{required}{type=integer} the scan number for the ; Track observation ; @keyword ifnum {in}{optional}{type=integer} same usage as in all of ; the standard "get" commands. ; @keyword plnum {in}{optional}{type=integer} same usage as in all of ; the standard "get" commands. ; @keyword refsmth {in}{optional} Boxcar smoothing to ; be applied to REF and (Cal_on-Cal_off). Units are channels. ; @keyword units {in}{optional}{type=string} "Ta" or "Ta*". If ; "Ta*" then the atmostpheric correction is done using tau. Defaults ; to "Ta" (Tant in above equation). ; @keyword tau {in}{optional}{type=float} tzenith opacity, used if units="Ta*" ; ; @version $Id$ ; ; @file_comments scalarSubNod.pro provides routines for calibration of GBT ; observations done with subreflector nodding. e.g. observing scripts ; would be similar to: ;

;     SubBeamNod( src, scanDuration=120.0, beamName="MR12", 
;                 nodLenth=5, nodUnit="integrations" )
; ;

The routines in scalarSubNod.pro do calibration using a single Tcal ; (scalar) per spectral window (IF), using the values for Tcal from ; the sdfits file. The calibrated Tant or Ta* is calculated and the ; resulting spectrum is stored in data container zero. ; ;

To calibrate subreflector nodding using vector Tcals, use the ; routines in getVctr.pro, after having derived the vector Tcals from ; an observation of a flux calibrator using the appropriate routines ; in scal.pro. ; ;

Note : compiling this file invokes createCalStruct from scal.pro. ; ;

Contributed by: F. Ghigo, NRAO-GB ;- pro getSNod,scan,ifnum=ifnum,plnum=plnum,refsmth=refsmth,units=units,tau=tau common calCommon, calDatabase if (n_elements(ifnum) eq 0) then ifnum = 0 if (n_elements(plnum) eq 0) then plnum = 0 if (n_elements(refsmth) eq 0) then refsmth = 1 if not keyword_set(tau) then tau = 0.0 if not keyword_set(units) then units = 'Ta' ; The following accumulators hold the calOn, Off spectra, the sub pos 0 and 1 data calOnAccum = {accum_struct} calOffAccum = {accum_struct} pos0Accum = {accum_struct} pos1Accum = {accum_struct} ; The various beam/pol/phase combinations are averged into... resultAccum = {accum_struct} accumclear, resultAccum ; Only appropriate for Ku, K-band, and Q-band sampler = [whichsampler(scan,ifnum,plnum,0), whichsampler(scan,ifnum,plnum,1)] for s = 0, 1 do begin accumclear, calOnAccum accumclear, calOffAccum accumclear, pos0Accum accumclear, pos1Accum ; Average records for all 4 combinations of cal on/off, subr pos 0 and 1 pos0calOn = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sampler=sampler[s],cal='T',subref=1) for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOnAccum,pos0calOn[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos0Accum,pos0calOn[i],weight=1 end pos0calOff = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sampler=sampler[s],cal='F',subref=1) for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOffAccum,pos0calOff[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos0Accum,pos0calOff[i],weight=1 end pos1calOn = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sampler=sampler[s],cal='T',subref=-1) for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOnAccum,pos1calOn[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos1Accum,pos1calOn[i],weight=1 end pos1calOff = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sampler=sampler[s],cal='F',subref=-1) for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOffAccum,pos1calOff[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos1Accum,pos1calOff[i],weight=1 end ; cOn/Off is the average of the cal on/off data ; p0, p1 are the average of the sub position 0 and 1 accumave,calOnAccum, cOn, /quiet accumave,calOffAccum, cOff, /quiet accumave,pos0Accum, p0, /quiet accumave,pos1Accum, p1, /quiet if (refsmth gt 1) then begin *p0.data_ptr = doboxcar1d(*p0.data_ptr,refsmth,/nan,/edge_truncate) *cOn.data_ptr = doboxcar1d(*cOn.data_ptr,refsmth,/nan,/edge_truncate) *cOff.data_ptr = doboxcar1d(*cOff.data_ptr,refsmth,/nan,/edge_truncate) endif ; Calculate Ta, update exposure time. Flip sense for the correct phases data_copy,p0,result denom = *cOn.data_ptr - *cOff.data_ptr if (s eq 0) then begin *result.data_ptr = result.mean_tcal*(*p1.data_ptr - *p0.data_ptr)/denom tsys = result.mean_tcal * *p0.data_ptr/denom endif else begin *result.data_ptr = result.mean_tcal*(*p0.data_ptr - *p1.data_ptr)/denom tsys = result.mean_tcal * *p1.data_ptr/denom endelse result.exposure = p0.exposure*p1.exposure/(p0.exposure+p1.exposure) ; Store away mean value for Tsys and Tcal over central 90% nchan = n_elements(denom) n1 = floor(0.1*nchan) n2 = floor(0.9*nchan) result.tsys = mean(tsys[n1:n2],/nan) ; Average in this phase/feed/pol dcaccum,resultAccum,result,weight=1./result.tsys^2 end ; Place results into the PDC accumave,resultAccum, result, /quiet result.units = "Ta" set_data_container,result,buffer=0 ; if Ta*, correct for atmosphere, given the zenith tau if units eq 'Ta*' then begin zscale = exp( tau /sin(!pi*result.elevation/180.0)) print,'tau,scale=',tau,zscale zspec = zscale * (*result.data_ptr) *result.data_ptr = zspec result.units = "Ta*" set_data_container,result,buffer=0 endif ; Be a good boy and clean up memory data_free,pos0calOn & data_free,pos0calOff data_free,pos1calOn & data_free,pos1calOff data_free,cOn & data_free,cOff & data_free,p0 & data_free,p1 data_free,result end ;------getKASnod------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; Performs scalar Tcal calibration for a Subreflector Nod observation ; with Ka-band. ; ;

Combines data from the two beam/pols/phases in the 'correct' way. ;

Tant = mean(Tcal) * (SIG-REF)/(Cal_on-Cal_off) -- units : Kelvin ;

Ta* = Tant*exp(tau*Airmass), if units="Ta*" ;

Stores results in the PDC ; ;

Note: depends on routines in scalUtils.pro ; and scal.pro ; ;

Contributed By: Ron Maddalena, NRAO-GB ;

units and tau added by F. Ghigo, NRAO-GB ; ; @param scan {in}{required}{type=integer} the scan number for the ; Track observation ; @keyword ifnum {in}{optional}{type=integer} same usage as in all of ; the standard "get" commands. ; @keyword refsmth {in}{optional} Boxcar smoothing to ; be applied to REF and (Cal_on-Cal_off). Units are channels. ; @keyword units {in}{optional}{type=string} Units: "Ta" or "Ta*". If ; "Ta*" then the atmostpheric correction is done using tau. Defaults ; to "Ta" (Tant in above equation). ; @keyword tau {in}{optional}{type=float} zenith opacity, used if units="Ta*" ;- pro getKaSNod,scan,ifnum=ifnum, refsmth=refsmth, units=units,tau=tau common calCommon, calDatabase if (n_elements(ifnum) eq 0) then ifnum = 0 if (n_elements(refsmth) eq 0) then refsmth = 1 if not keyword_set(tau) then tau = 0.0 if not keyword_set(units) then units = 'Ta' ; The following accumulators hold the calOn, Off spectra, the sub pos 0 and 1 data calOnAccum = {accum_struct} calOffAccum = {accum_struct} pos0Accum = {accum_struct} pos1Accum = {accum_struct} ; The various beam/pol/phase combinations are averged into... resultAccum = {accum_struct} accumclear, resultAccum ; Only appropriate for Ka-band sampler = [whichsampler(scan,ifnum,1,0), whichsampler(scan,ifnum,0,1)] sigRef = ["T", "F"] for s = 0, 1 do begin for jSigRef = 0,1 do begin accumclear, calOnAccum accumclear, calOffAccum accumclear, pos0Accum accumclear, pos1Accum ; Average records for all 4 combinations of cal on/off, subr pos 0 and 1 pos0calOn = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sig=sigRef[jSigRef],sampler=sampler[s],cal='T',subref=1) ; print, 'Pos0 CalOn', count for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOnAccum,pos0calOn[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos0Accum,pos0calOn[i],weight=1 end pos0calOff = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sig=sigRef[jSigRef],sampler=sampler[s],cal='F',subref=1) ; print, 'Pos0 CalOff', count for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOffAccum,pos0calOff[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos0Accum,pos0calOff[i],weight=1 end pos1calOn = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sig=sigRef[jSigRef],sampler=sampler[s],cal='T',subref=-1) ; print, 'Pos1 CalOn', count for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOnAccum,pos1calOn[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos1Accum,pos1calOn[i],weight=1 end pos1calOff = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sig=sigRef[jSigRef],sampler=sampler[s],cal='F',subref=-1) ; print, 'Pos1 CalOff', count for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOffAccum,pos1calOff[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos1Accum,pos1calOff[i],weight=1 end ; con/off is the average of the cal on/off data; p0, p1 are the average of the sub position 0 and 1 accumave,calOnAccum, cOn, /quiet accumave,calOffAccum, cOff, /quiet accumave,pos0Accum, p0, /quiet accumave,pos1Accum, p1, /quiet if (refsmth gt 1) then begin *p0.data_ptr = doboxcar1d(*p0.data_ptr,refsmth,/nan,/edge_truncate) *cOn.data_ptr = doboxcar1d(*cOn.data_ptr,refsmth,/nan,/edge_truncate) *cOff.data_ptr = doboxcar1d(*cOff.data_ptr,refsmth,/nan,/edge_truncate) endif ; Calculate Ta, update exposure time. Flip sense for the correct phases data_copy,p0,result denom = *cOn.data_ptr - *cOff.data_ptr if (s eq jSigRef) then begin *result.data_ptr = result.mean_tcal*(*p0.data_ptr - *p1.data_ptr)/denom tsys = result.mean_tcal * *p1.data_ptr/denom endif else begin *result.data_ptr = result.mean_tcal*(*p1.data_ptr - *p0.data_ptr)/denom tsys = result.mean_tcal * *p0.data_ptr/denom endelse result.exposure = p0.exposure*p1.exposure/(p0.exposure+p1.exposure) ; Store away mean value for Tsys and Tcal over central 90% nchan = n_elements(denom) n1 = floor(0.1*nchan) n2 = floor(0.9*nchan) result.tsys = mean(tsys[n1:n2],/nan) ; Average in this phase/feed/pol dcaccum,resultAccum,result,weight=1./result.tsys^2 end end ; Place results into the PDC accumave,resultAccum, result, /quiet result.units = "Ta" set_data_container,result,buffer=0 ; if Ta*, correct for atmosphere, given the zenith tau if units eq 'Ta*' then begin zscale = exp( tau /sin(!pi*result.elevation/180.0)) print,'tau,scale=',tau,zscale zspec = zscale * (*result.data_ptr) *result.data_ptr = zspec result.units = "Ta*" set_data_container,result,buffer=0 endif ; Be a good boy and clean up memory data_free,pos0calOn & data_free,pos0calOff data_free,pos1calOn & data_free,pos1calOff data_free,cOn & data_free,cOff & data_free,p0 & data_free,p1 data_free,result end ;-----------getSNodClassic------------------------------------------- ;+ ; Performs "Classic" (Tsys(SIG_REF)/REF) scalar calibration for a Subreflector Nod observation ; with Q, Ku, K-band, or W-band. ; ;

Combines data from the two beams in the 'correct' way. ;

Tant = mean(Tsys) * (SIG-REF)/REF -- units : Kelvin ;

Ta* = Tant * exp( tau*Airmass), if units=Ta* ;

Store results in the PDC ; ;

Note: depends on routines in scalUtils.pro ; and scal.pro ; ;

Contributed By: Ron Maddalena, NRAO-GB ;

units and tau added by F. Ghigo, NRAO-GB ; ; @param scan {in}{required}{type=integer} the scan number for the ; Track observation ; @keyword ifnum {in}{optional}{type=integer} same usage as in all of ; the standard "get" commands. ; @keyword plnum {in}{optional}{type=integer} same usage as in all of ; the standard "get" commands. ; @keyword refsmth {in}{optional} Boxcar smoothing to ; be applied to REF. Units are channels. ; @keyword units {in}{optional}{type=string} "Ta" or "Ta*". If ; "Ta*" then the atmostpheric correction is done using tau. Defaults ; to "Ta" (Tant in above equation). ; @keyword tau {in}{optional}{type=float} zenith opacity, used if units="Ta*" ; ;- pro getSNodClassic,scan,ifnum=ifnum,plnum=plnum,refsmth=refsmth, units=units,tau=tau common calCommon, calDatabase if (n_elements(ifnum) eq 0) then ifnum = 0 if (n_elements(plnum) eq 0) then plnum = 0 if (n_elements(refsmth) eq 0) then refsmth = 1 if not keyword_set(tau) then tau = 0.0 if not keyword_set(units) then units = 'Ta' ; The following accumulators hold the calOn, Off spectra, the sub pos 0 and 1 data calOnAccum = {accum_struct} calOffAccum = {accum_struct} pos0Accum = {accum_struct} pos1Accum = {accum_struct} ; The various beam/pol/phase combinations are averged into... resultAccum = {accum_struct} accumclear, resultAccum ; Only appropriate for Ku, K-band, and Q-band sampler = [whichsampler(scan,ifnum,plnum,0), whichsampler(scan,ifnum,plnum,1)] for s = 0, 1 do begin accumclear, calOnAccum accumclear, calOffAccum accumclear, pos0Accum accumclear, pos1Accum ; Average records for all 4 combinations of cal on/off, subr pos 0 and 1 pos0calOn = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sampler=sampler[s],cal='T',subref=1) for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOnAccum,pos0calOn[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos0Accum,pos0calOn[i],weight=1 end pos0calOff = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sampler=sampler[s],cal='F',subref=1) for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOffAccum,pos0calOff[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos0Accum,pos0calOff[i],weight=1 end pos1calOn = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sampler=sampler[s],cal='T',subref=-1) for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOnAccum,pos1calOn[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos1Accum,pos1calOn[i],weight=1 end pos1calOff = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sampler=sampler[s],cal='F',subref=-1) for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOffAccum,pos1calOff[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos1Accum,pos1calOff[i],weight=1 end ; cOn/Off is the average of the cal on/off data ; p0, p1 are the average of the sub position 0 and 1 accumave,calOnAccum, cOn, /quiet accumave,calOffAccum, cOff, /quiet accumave,pos0Accum, p0, /quiet accumave,pos1Accum, p1, /quiet if (refsmth gt 1) then begin *p0.data_ptr = doboxcar1d(*p0.data_ptr,refsmth,/nan,/edge_truncate) endif ; Calculate Ta, update exposure time. Flip sense for the correct phases data_copy,p0,result denom = *cOn.data_ptr - *cOff.data_ptr ; Store away mean value for Tsys over central 90% nchan = n_elements(denom) n1 = floor(0.1*nchan) n2 = floor(0.9*nchan) if (s eq 0) then begin blah = *p0.data_ptr result.tsys = result.mean_tcal * mean(blah[n1:n2],/nan)/mean(denom[n1:n2],/nan) *result.data_ptr = result.tsys*(*p1.data_ptr - *p0.data_ptr)/*p0.data_ptr endif else begin blah = *p1.data_ptr result.tsys = result.mean_tcal * mean(blah[n1:n2],/nan)/mean(denom[n1:n2],/nan) *result.data_ptr = result.tsys*(*p0.data_ptr - *p1.data_ptr)/*p1.data_ptr endelse result.exposure = p0.exposure*p1.exposure/(p0.exposure+p1.exposure) ; Average in this phase/feed/pol dcaccum,resultAccum,result,weight=1./result.tsys^2 end ; Place results into the PDC accumave,resultAccum, result, /quiet result.units = "Ta" set_data_container,result,buffer=0 ; if Ta*, correct for atmosphere, given the zenith tau if units eq 'Ta*' then begin zscale = exp( tau /sin(!pi*result.elevation/180.0)) print,'tau,scale=',tau,zscale zspec = zscale * (*result.data_ptr) *result.data_ptr = zspec result.units = "Ta*" set_data_container,result,buffer=0 endif ; Be a good boy and clean up memory data_free,pos0calOn & data_free,pos0calOff data_free,pos1calOn & data_free,pos1calOff data_free,cOn & data_free,cOff & data_free,p0 & data_free,p1 data_free,result end ;-------getKASNodClassic------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; Performs a "classic" (Tsys(SIG_REF)/REF) scalar calibration for a Subreflector Nod observation ; with Ka-band. ; ;

Combines data from the two beam/phases in the 'correct' way. ;

"Classic" : Tant = mean(Tsys) * (SIG-REF)/REF -- units : Kelvin ;

Ta* = Tant * exp(tau*Airmass), if units="Ta*" ;

Stores results in the PDC ; ;

Note: depends on routines in scalUtils.pro ; and scal.pro ; ;

Contributed By: Ron Maddalena, NRAO-GB ;

units and tau added by F. Ghigo, NRAO-GB ; ; @param scan {in}{required}{type=integer} the scan number for the ; Track observation ; @keyword ifnum {in}{optional}{type=integer} same usage as in all of ; the standard "get" commands. ; @keyword refsmth {in}{optional} Boxcar smoothing to ; be applied to REF. Units are channels. ; @keyword units {in}{optional}{type=string} "Ta" or "Ta*". If ; "Ta*" then the atmostpheric correction is done using tau. Defaults ; to "Ta" (Tant in above equation). ; @keyword tau {in}{optional}{type=float} tau : zenith opacity, used if units="Ta*" ;- pro getKaSNodClassic,scan,ifnum=ifnum, refsmth=refsmth, units=units,tau=tau common calCommon, calDatabase if (n_elements(ifnum) eq 0) then ifnum = 0 if (n_elements(refsmth) eq 0) then refsmth = 1 if not keyword_set(tau) then tau = 0.0 if not keyword_set(units) then units = 'Ta' ; The following accumulators hold the calOn, Off spectra, the sub pos 0 and 1 data calOnAccum = {accum_struct} calOffAccum = {accum_struct} pos0Accum = {accum_struct} pos1Accum = {accum_struct} ; The various beam/pol/phase combinations are averged into... resultAccum = {accum_struct} accumclear, resultAccum ; Only appropriate for Ka-band sampler = [whichsampler(scan,ifnum,1,0), whichsampler(scan,ifnum,0,1)] sigRef = ["T", "F"] for s = 0, 1 do begin for jSigRef = 0,1 do begin accumclear, calOnAccum accumclear, calOffAccum accumclear, pos0Accum accumclear, pos1Accum ; Average records for all 4 combinations of cal on/off, subr pos 0 and 1 pos0calOn = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sig=sigRef[jSigRef],sampler=sampler[s],cal='T',subref=1) ; print, 'Pos0 CalOn', count for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOnAccum,pos0calOn[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos0Accum,pos0calOn[i],weight=1 end pos0calOff = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sig=sigRef[jSigRef],sampler=sampler[s],cal='F',subref=1) ; print, 'Pos0 CalOff', count for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOffAccum,pos0calOff[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos0Accum,pos0calOff[i],weight=1 end pos1calOn = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sig=sigRef[jSigRef],sampler=sampler[s],cal='T',subref=-1) ; print, 'Pos1 CalOn', count for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOnAccum,pos1calOn[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos1Accum,pos1calOn[i],weight=1 end pos1calOff = getchunk(count=count,scan=scan,sig=sigRef[jSigRef],sampler=sampler[s],cal='F',subref=-1) ; print, 'Pos1 CalOff', count for i=0, (count-1) do begin dcaccum,calOffAccum,pos1calOff[i],weight=1 dcaccum,pos1Accum,pos1calOff[i],weight=1 end ; con/off is the average of the cal on/off data; p0, p1 are the average of the sub position 0 and 1 accumave,calOnAccum, cOn, /quiet accumave,calOffAccum, cOff, /quiet accumave,pos0Accum, p0, /quiet accumave,pos1Accum, p1, /quiet if (refsmth gt 1) then begin *p0.data_ptr = doboxcar1d(*p0.data_ptr,refsmth,/nan,/edge_truncate) endif ; Store away mean value for Tsys over central 90% nchan = n_elements(denom) n1 = floor(0.1*nchan) n2 = floor(0.9*nchan) ; Calculate Ta, update exposure time. Flip sense for the correct phases data_copy,p0,result denom = *cOn.data_ptr - *cOff.data_ptr if (s eq jSigRef) then begin blah = *p1.data_ptr result.tsys = result.mean_tcal * mean(blah[n1:n2],/nan)/mean(denom[n1:n2],/nan) *result.data_ptr = result.tsys*(*p0.data_ptr - *p1.data_ptr)/*p1.data_ptr endif else begin blah = *p0.data_ptr result.tsys = result.mean_tcal * mean(blah[n1:n2],/nan)/mean(denom[n1:n2],/nan) *result.data_ptr = result.tsys*(*p1.data_ptr - *p0.data_ptr)/*p0.data_ptr endelse result.exposure = p0.exposure*p1.exposure/(p0.exposure+p1.exposure) ; Average in this phase/feed/pol dcaccum,resultAccum,result,weight=1./result.tsys^2 end end ; Place results into the PDC accumave,resultAccum, result, /quiet result.units = "Ta" set_data_container,result,buffer=0 ; if Ta*, correct for atmosphere, given the zenith tau if units eq 'Ta*' then begin zscale = exp( tau /sin(!pi*result.elevation/180.0)) print,'tau,scale=',tau,zscale zspec = zscale * (*result.data_ptr) *result.data_ptr = zspec result.units = "Ta*" set_data_container,result,buffer=0 endif ; Be a good boy and clean up memory data_free,pos0calOn & data_free,pos0calOff data_free,pos1calOn & data_free,pos1calOff data_free,cOn & data_free,cOff & data_free,p0 & data_free,p1 data_free,result end