;+ ; Fit nfit order baseline to contents of the stack and and display the ; rms vs integration time and the radiometer equation. ; ;

; For STACK contents fit nfit order baseline to previously defined ; NREGIONs and calculate the rms vs integration time. Pop up a new ; graphics window and plot the radiometer equation. ;


; Theoretical RMS values come from TH_RMS. ;; ;

Contributed By: Bob Garwood from Tom Bania's original GBT IDL ; package ; ; @param nfit {in}{required}{type=integer} The order of the baseline ; to fit. ; ; @version $Id$ ;- pro radiom,nfit compile_opt idl2 ; on_error,2 ; freeze the plotter during this procedure, unfreeze at end freeze ; if n_params() eq 0 then begin print,'Error: Must supply NFIT for baseline fit' print,'Syntax: radiom,nfit' return end ; ; check to see if NREGIONs are set if !g.nregion eq 0 then begin print,'Error: Must set NREGIONs before invoking RADIOM' return end ; ;deja_vu=!deja_vu ; suppress AVE messages ;!deja_vu=0 ;flag=!flag ;!flag=0 ; window,4,title='Radiometer Equation for STACK Contents',xsize=1050,ysize=600 ; !p.position=[0.13,0.15,0.93,0.95] ; !p.position=[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax] ; if (n_params() eq 0) then begin print,'Error: Must input order of baseline fit' print,'Syntax: radiom,order_of_polynomial_to_fit' return end ; ; STACK contents defines plot axes ; x_tintg = fltarr(!g.acount) y_rms = fltarr(!g.acount) tsys = fltarr(!g.acount) ; ; initialize with first element of STACK ; getrec,astack(0) scale,1.0e+3 ; scale to milliKelvin ; ; this should be a simple call to get stats in the regions index=get_chans(!g.s[0],!g.nregion,!g.regions) dsig = stddev((*!g.s[0].data_ptr)[index]) ; bshape,nfit=nfit,/noshow ; print print,'RMS in NREGIONs before any fit = ', dsig,$ ' for ',n_elements(index),' channels',$ format='(a,f12.6,a,i5,a)' print,'RMS in NREGIONs after nfit='+string(nfit,'(i2)'),!g.polyfitrms[nfit] ; ; first element ; x_tintg[0] = !g.s[0].exposure/60. ; integration time in minutes y_rms[0] = !g.polyfitrms[nfit] ; rms0=!g.polyfitrms[nfit] tintg0=!g.s[0].exposure/60. tsys0=!g.s[0].tsys tsys[0]=tsys0 ; sclear ; clear accum buffer first for i=0, !g.acount-1 do begin ; now calculate the rms ; ; because ave does not need to clear stack, no need for two loops getrec,astack(i) accum ; ave,/noclear scale,1.0e+3 ; in milliKelvins bshape,nfit=nfit,/noshow ; x_tintg[i] = !g.s[0].exposure/60. y_rms[i] = !g.polyfitrms[nfit] tsys[i] = !g.s[0].tsys ; endfor ; ; fetch the theoretical radiometer equation ; t_sys=!g.s[0].tsys*1000. ; Tsys in milliKelvins npol=2.d ; number of polarizations or independent signals df=abs(!g.s[0].frequency_interval) k1=9 ; backend sampling 9 -> 9-level ; 3 -> 3-level ; k2=1 ; correlator weighting 1 -> uniform ; 2 -> Hanning ; xmin=min(x_tintg) & xmax=max(x_tintg) & time_x=fltarr(500) & rms_y=fltarr(500) & no_pts=500 & ; th_rms,t_sys,df,npol,k1,k2,xmin,xmax,no_pts,time_x,rms_y ; ; th_rms returns arrays time_x in minutes and rms_y in milliKelvins ; ; calculate the Q factor : Q = (rms/rms0) (Tsys0/Tsys) sqrt(tintg/tintg0) ; q=(y_rms/tsys)*sqrt(x_tintg) fact=(tsys0/rms0)*(1./sqrt(tintg0)) q=q*fact q[0]=1.000 ; by definition ; print print,'Calculated Radiometer Equation using NFIT= '+string(nfit,'(i3)') print print,' Tintg RMS Q Tsys' print,' (min) (mK) (K)' ; for i=0,!g.acount-1 do print,i,x_tintg[i],y_rms[i], q[i], tsys[i], $ format='(i3,1x,f7.0,2(1x,f7.3),1x,f5.1)' ; ; ; plot rms vs tintg ; xmin=min(x_tintg)*0.90 & xmax=max(x_tintg)*1.10 & ymin=min(y_rms)*0.90 & ymax=1.05*dsig & ; syms,4,2,1 ; set a custom symbol ; plot,x_tintg,y_rms,/xstyle,/ystyle, $ xrange=[xmin,xmax],yrange=[ymin,ymax],$ title='RADIOMETER EQUATION',$ xtitle='Integration Time (minutes)',$ ytitle='RMS (milliKelvin)', $ charthick=2.0,charsize=1.5,thick=2.0, psym=8 oplot,time_x,rms_y,color=!red,thick=2.0 ; qqq='NFIT = ' + string(nfit,'(i2)') xyouts,.25,.96,qqq,/normal,charsize=2.5,charthick=2.5,color=!cyan hline,dsig ; print,'Enter to continue' ans=get_kbrd(1) ; ; plot log rms vs log tintg ; xmin=alog10(min(x_tintg)*0.95) & xmax=alog10(max(x_tintg)*1.10) & ymin=alog10(min(y_rms)*0.90) & ymax=alog10(1.05*dsig) & ; syms,4,2,1 ; set a custom symbol ; plot,alog10(x_tintg),alog10(y_rms),/xstyle,/ystyle, $ xrange=[xmin,xmax],yrange=[ymin,ymax],$ title='RADIOMETER EQUATION',$ xtitle='log Integration Time [min]',$ ytitle='log RMS [mK]', $ charthick=2.0,charsize=1.5,thick=2.0, psym=8 oplot,alog10(time_x),alog10(rms_y),color=!red,thick=2.0 xyouts,.25,.96,qqq,/normal,charsize=2.5,charthick=2.5,color=!cyan ; hline,alog10(dsig) ; print,'Enter to continue' ans=get_kbrd(1) ; ; now do it in Q space: Q vs tintg ; xmin=min(x_tintg)*0.95 & xmax=max(x_tintg)*1.05 & ymin=0.9 & ymax=1.1 & ; syms,4,2,1 ; set a custom symbol ; plot,x_tintg,q,/xstyle,/ystyle, $ xrange=[xmin,xmax],yrange=[ymin,ymax],$ title='RADIOMETER EQUATION',$ xtitle='Integration Time [min]',$ ytitle='Q = (RMS/Tsys) sqrt(Time)', $ charthick=2.0,charsize=1.5,thick=2.0, psym=8 xyouts,.25,.96,qqq,/normal,charsize=2.5,charthick=2.5,color=!cyan ; hline,1.00 ; ;print,'Enter "q" to return to normal graphics' ;ans=get_kbrd(1) ;if (ans eq 'q') then wreset ; ;!deja_vu=deja_vu ; return to initial state ;!flag=flag ; unfreeze return end