# setup for peak observations # # This block changes the mode of observing so that pointing can be done. # This block sets values that are source independent. # # You will need to change the proc.azrate, proc.elevrate, proc.azlength, # proc.elevlength, values so that they are appropriate for the receiver # being used. # # You will also need to change the sc.switchmode to the appropriate # value: "Total Power", "Total Power, No Cal", or "Beam Switch" # block setuppeak sc.obstype="Continuum" ant.coordinatemode="J2000" ant.offsetcoordinatemode="Encoder" proc.azrate=16 proc.elevrate=16 proc.azlength=8 proc.elevlength=8 proc.realtimedisplay="GFM" proc.autoupdatelpc="YES" proc.repeat=1 sc.switchmode="Beam Switch" end # Points at 3C147 # # This block adds the source information and runs the peak procedure # # Note that you will have to set the lo1.restfreq to be within the # frequency range of the receiver being used for successfull execution. # # You can have multiple blocks for each pointing source but each block # will need a unique name that does not contain any special characters # or numbers # block peaksource setuppeakfocus ra="05:42:36.13" dec="+49:51:07.2" sc.sourcename="3C147" lo1.restfreq=26523.5 peak end # # Here are the actual GO Table lines that you will execute during # observing. # peaksource