# change XXX to name of your measurement set # change YYY to the desired name of the image/map MS_name:='XXX' imname:='YYY' # pick the range of channels to map startch:=520 endch:=1000 # pick the number of pixels in the map nx:=100 ny:=100 # pick the size of the pixels cellx:='4arcmin' celly:=cellx # pick the center of the map coordinates long0:='27.75deg' lat0:='0.0deg' coord:='GALACTIC' # range of spectral windows to map startspwin=4 stopspwin=9 spwid:=[startspwin:stopspwin] # now make the image nch:=endch-startch+1 include "imager.g" include "measures.g" dir:=dm.direction(coord,long0,lat0); myim:=imager(MS_name) myim.setdata(mode='channel',start=startch,step=1,nchan=nch,spwid) delch:=1 myim.setimage(nx=nx,ny=ny,cellx=cellx,celly=celly,stokes='I',spwid, start=startch,step=delch,mode='channel',nchan=nch, phasecenter=dir,doshift=T) myim.weight('natural') myim.setoptions(ftmachine='sd',gridfunction='BOX') #note add ftmachine myim.makeimage(image=imname,type='singledish') # now view image im:=image(imname); im.setbrightnessunit('K'); im.view();