

Double Position Switching

October 13, 2003 Observations

March 27, 2004 Observations

Isolating Continuum Baseline Structure Sources

Future Tests

GBT01A_004 Observation Checkout Report - March 31, 2004


GBT01A_004 is a project which is trying to detect very broad and weak spectral lines at X-band. In order to detect these broad lines very good baselines across 800 MHz bandwidths are needed. This is a very demanding project for the GBT which pushes the operation of the GBT to its limits. If this project is successful it will be a great demonstration of the capabilities of the GBT.


Typical baseline structures can removed by performing ON/OFF observations (position switching) and then reducing the data using


A typical example for the case where there is only weak continuum emission from the target source is shown in Figure 1. These baselines are usually suitable for spectral line observations.

(ON-OFF)/OFF Baselines
Figure 1. Baselines obtained for a weak continuum source using (ON - OFF)/OFF data reduction. Note the "receiver suck-out" at about 9.744 GHz in RCP. Click on image for postscript version.

Strong continuum emission, however, excites the appearance of baseline ripples in the GBT IF system. A typical example is shown in Figure 2. In order to achieve good baselines for wide spectral lines towards sources with strong continuum emission a different data reduction technique is needed.

(ON-OFF)/OFF Baselines
Figure 2. Baselines obtained for a strong continuum source using (ON - OFF)/OFF data reduction. Note the "receiver suck-out" at about 9.744 GHz in RCP. Click on image for postscript version.

Double Position Switching

A technique that helps remove the baseline structure introduced by strong continuum sources is to double position switch. For double position switching an ON/OFF observation is done for the target source and then another ON/OFF observation is done on a calibration source. The calibration source should have about the same continuum source strength of the target source but without the line emission that you would like to detect towards the target source.

For double position switching the data are reduced as

     ONTarget - OFFTarget
ONCalibrator - OFFCalibrator

October 13, 2003 Observations

On October 13, 2003 test observations were done using NGC 7027 as the target source and 2022+422 as the calibration source. Two separate double position switch observations were done with the only difference being that the LO1 value was changed by 58.59375 MHz (150 channels in the resulting spectra). The results are shown in Figures 3 and 4.

Double Position Switching Baselines
Figure 3. Baselines obtained through double position switching. Only one polarization is shown. The only difference between the two observations is that the LO1 frequency was changed by 58.59375 MHz (150 pixels). Note that the slope of these spectra are just due to the difference in the spectral indices between the two sources. Click on image for postscript version.

Double Position Switching Baselines
Figure 4. Same as Figure 3 but plotted against spectrum channel number (index) instead of against frequency. Click on image for postscript version.

Although the double position switching improves the baselines it is obvious that there still is substantial baseline structure present.

As can be seen from Figures 3 and 4 the dominant baseline structure moves in frequency but not in spectrometer channel (index) number. This indicates that the baseline structure is originating in the IF system after (downstream) the LO1 mixer.

March 27, 2004 Observations

On March 27, 2004 test observations were done using NGC 7027 as the target source and 3C 454.3 as the calibration source. A single double position switch observation was done where four separate LO2 values were used to produce four spectra. The LO2 values were stepped at 25 MHz intervals. All data in each spectra result from data coming down the same optical fiber. The results are shown in Figures 5 and 6.

Double Position Switching Baselines
Figure 5. Baselines obtained through double position switching. Only one polarization is shown. The only difference between the spectra is that different values of LO2 have been used. The spectra were produced simultaneously from the same data stream from a single optical fiber. Click on image for postscript version.

Double Position Switching Baselines
Figure 6. Same as Figure 5 but plotted against spectrum channel number instead of against frequency. Click on image for postscript version.

As can be seen from Figures 5 and 6 the dominant baseline structure moves in spectrometer channel (index) number but not in frequency. This indicates that the baseline structure is originating in the IF system before (upstream) the LO2 mixers.

Isolating Continuum Baseline Structure Sources

The October 2003 and March 2004 results indicate that the dominant baseline structure for the double position switch observations arise somewhere between (and including) the LO1 mixer and the LO2 mixer. The baseline ripples have scales on the order of 50 to 100 MHz. This indicates they possibly arise from standing waves of the order of 3 to 6 meters in length.

The IF path between the LO1 and LO2 mixers is as follows for each polarization. After the LO1 mixer the signal goes through an IF Filter and is then amplified. Next the signal goes through a splitter so the the same signal can be sent to several different IF Rack modules. Before being put onto fiber the signal goes through an IF switch that determines which of two optical fibers the signal will go down. The signal then proceeds through a variable attenuator, an IF Filter and then is modulated onto the optical fiber via a modem. The signal is then received via another modem in the Converter Rack and mixed with the LO2. (See Figures 7, 8 and 9.)

Receiver IF Path
Figure 7. The X-band receiver IF path. Click on image to see full size.

IF Rack IF Path
Figure 8. The IF Rack IF path. Click on image to see full size.

Converter Rack IF Path
Figure 9. The Converter Rack IF path. Click on image to see full size.

Future Tests

Test 1  In the March, 2004 tests only a single optical fiber was used to produce the four separate spectra. However, using two different fibers to produce the different spectra would tell us if the baseline structure arises in the optical fibers. If the baselines look the same then it suggests that the baselines arise before the signal goes onto the optical fibers. (We can probably already rule out the LO2 synthesizers since the four different synthesizers used in the March, 2004 tests produced nearly identical baselines - see Figure 5). If the baselines are different then it would suggest that the optical fibers could be the culprit.

Test 2  Vary the IF Rack attenuation to see if that affects baseline ripples.

Test 3  Vary the IF Rack filter between "All Pass" and "2360-3640 MHz" to see if that affects baseline ripples.

Test 4  Remove the IF splitter before the optical drivers or terminate the unused outputs of the IF splitter to see if the baseline ripples come from reflections off of the splitter.

Last modified: Wed Mar 31 16:05:11 EST 2004