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Format Specifications

The following describes the format specifications you can use with the SREAD, SPRINT, FREAD, and FPRINT verbs. The PRNTFMT verb takes a similar format specification but is described in greater detail with the documentation for PRNTFMT.

The format specifications follow all of the rules of Fortran 77, plus some extensions and restriction. Probably you should look at a Fortran 77 manual if you are unfamiliar with format specifications used in that language. The following table gives a list of what can be used in a format specification:

                         UniPOPS Output Format Specifiers
Specifier                        Fortran 77        UniPOPS Extension
Blank Control (see note)         BN, BZ            B
Carriage control (see note)      space, 0, 1       $
Character Edit (see note)        nH....,  rAw,     rA, "....."  '....'
Floating Point                   rFw.d, rEw.d.Ee,  rE.w.d.e, rG.w.d.e, 
                                 rDw.dEe, rGw.dEe  rD.w.d.e
Integer Edit (see note)          rI.w.m
Logical Edit (see note)          rLw
Position Control (see note)      nX, /, Tc, TLn,
Scale Control                    pP                        P
Sign Control (see note)          S, SP, SS
Terminate a format               :
Repeat pattern                   r(.....)

where:  c = column number (must be present and > 0)
        d = number of digits (significant or after the decimal point;
                see default value below; must be >= 0)
        e = number of digits in printed exponential (see default value
                       below; must be >= 0)
        m = number of preceding zeros (see default value below; >= 0)
        n = number of characters (must be present and > 0)
        p = integer scale factor (if not present, assumed to be zero;
                can be < 0)
        r = repeat counter (if not present, assumed to be 1; must be > 0) 
        w = field width (see defaults value below; must be >= 0)

NOTES:  c, d, e, m, n, p, r, and w must be specified as integers.  

        B, BN and BZ are only used when reading.

        The nH, '....', ".....", $, S, SP, and SS are only used when

UniPOPS has no logical or integer constants, adverbs, or expressions. If you are reading and specify an I or L format specifier, than UniPOPS converts the value read in as an integer or logical into a scalar value that is then stored into the adverb. If you are writing, UniPOPS converts the scalar value of the item to be printed into an integer or logical value before printing its value out. This is NOT what F77 does when you try to print a floating-point value item with an I or L specification.

You cannot use the / specification in SPRINT or SREAD.


See a Fortran 77 manual for a description of how to use the format specifiers given in the second and third columns. The UniPOPS extensions to Fortran 77 are those commonly found and are:

        (1) The P specification is identical to 0P.
        (2) The B specification is identical to BZ.
        (3) The $ specification will suppress the carriage return at the
                end of printed line.
        (4) The program will calculate a field width for you with the
                A specification.
        (5) Strings can be enclosed in double quotes as well as
        (6) The rE.w.d.e, rG.w.d.e, rD.w.d.e are identical in purpose
                to the rE.w.dEe, rG.w.dEe, rD.w.dEe specifications.

The only UniPOPS restriction is that the '+' carriage control specifier is NOT supported.

Unlike Fortran 77, you do not need to enclose the complete format specification in parenthesis -- UniPOPS provides the opening and closing parenthesis for you.

An error message will be generated if you try to print out or read in a string using anything but the rAw or rA specifications. Likewise, as error message will be generated if you try to read or write using an A specification anything but a string.

As in F77, you need not specify all of the suffixes for I, L, F, D, E, or G. That is, you can eliminate, in the following order, the following descriptors: e (or m), d, w. The default values used by UniPOPS for these descriptors are:

                Default m, w, d, or e Field Descriptors
        Descriptor        m        w        d        e
        I                 0        7
        L                 2
        E, D, G          15        7        2
        F                15        7

If the input or output list is not exhausted but the format specifications are, than the format specification is rescanned using the same rules as F77 (rescan point is either the beginning of the format specification or the last level zero open parenthesis.

A blank format specification indicates list-directed input and output.


        ' I3 / L3 / 10(F10.4, G15.5.3) '  <- Not usable with SREAD or SPRINT
        'E20.4        '
        'SP F15.7'                        <- Output only        
        ' '                                <- List-directed IO
        ' "Source declination = ", I3.3,I2.2,F4.1'

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