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Mathematical and Logical Expressions in UniPOPS

Mathematical and logical expressions are needed in UniPOPS as,

    i) the right-hand side of adverb assignment statements.
   ii) arguments in verb and procedure calls.
  iii) arguments when using the verb PRINT as a calculator.

They can be constructed using operators (mathematical and logical operators, internal-array and functions verbs, and function procedures), as well as operands (real, logical, and literal constants, and array, scalar, pointer, keyword, and string adverbs.)

The Operators

Operators perform actions on operands. For example, to assign a value of 2.3 to an adverb named D_IND requires the use of two operands (the constant 2.3 and the adverb D_IND), plus the assignment operator (=).

Mathematical and Logical Operators

The mathematical operators are :

	+           Adds the two operands together.
		    EXAMPLE:   PRINT 3.1475 + 6.2347

		    Or signifies unary plus.  EXAMPLE: X = +1.345

	-           Subtracts the second operand from the first.
		    EXAMPLE:   PRINT 6.1475 - 3.2347

		    Or signifies unary minus.  EXAMPLE: X = -1.345

	/           Divides the second operand into the first.
		    EXAMPLE:   X = Y2 / Y1

	*           Multiplies the second operand by the first.
		    EXAMPLE:   X = Y1 * Y2

	**          Raises the first operand to the power specified by
		    second operand.  EXAMPLE:   X = Y2**Y1

The logical operators are :

	=           If the second operand is equal to the first, the
		    statement is TRUE (+1); otherwise, it is FALSE
		    (-1).  EXAMPLE:  IF X = Y THEN ...; ELSE ...; END

	|           Logical OR.  If the first or second operand, or
		    both, are TRUE (+1), the statement is TRUE (+1);
		    otherwise, it is FALSE (-1).
		    EXAMPLE:  IF X=1. | Y=2. THEN ...; END

	&           Logical AND.  If the first and second operand are
		    TRUE (+1), the statement is TRUE (+1); otherwise, it
		    is FALSE (-1).
		    EXAMPLE:  IF X > 2 & X < 7 THEN ...; ELSE ...;  END

	>           If the second operand is less than the first, the
		    statement is TRUE (+1); otherwise, it is FALSE
		    (-1).  EXAMPLE:  IF X > Y THEN ...; ELSE ...; END

	>=          If the second operand is less than or equal to the
		    first, the statement is TRUE (+1); otherwise, it is
		    FALSE (-1).
		    EXAMPLE:  IF X >= Y THEN ...; ELSE ...; END

	<           If the second operand is greater than the first,
		    the statement is TRUE (+1); otherwise, it is FALSE
		    (-1).  EXAMPLE:  IF X < Y THEN ...; ELSE ...; END

	<=          If the second operand is greater than or equal to
		    the first, the statement is TRUE (+1); otherwise,
		    it is FALSE (-1).
		    EXAMPLE:  IF X <= Y THEN ...; ELSE ...; END

	~           Logical NOT comparison.  If the one operand is
		    FALSE, the statement is TRUE (+1); otherwise, it is
		    FALSE (-1).
		    EXAMPLE:  IF ~(X >= 3.4) THEN....; ELSE ...; END

	~=          Logical comparison.  if the first operand doesn't
		    equal the second, the statement is TRUE (+1);
		    otherwise, it is FALSE (-1).
		    EXAMPLE:  IF X ~= Y THEN ...; ELSE ...; END

Of these, the following are infix operators, (meaning that they should be positioned between the two operands that they works on),

	*     /     **     =     >     <     >=     <=     ~=     =
	&     |     + (addition)     - (subtraction)

while the following are prefix operators, (meaning that they should be positioned before the single operand that they work on),

	~     + (unary)     - (unary)

No two operators may be placed back-to-back (e.g., ~> or A+-B). Instead, spaces should be used to separate the operators (i.e., A+ -B).

Examples of valid operator use are,

	X+3     -Y     ~L     L~=B

Examples of invalid operator use are,

	X~3     / 4 5     A+-B

Function and Internal Array Verbs

The function and internal array verbs that can be employed in mathematical expressions are,

A function verb is "called" by using the name of the function, following this (in parentheses) by the list of arguments that the function is to work on, separated by commas. Some functions require no arguments, while others require one or more.

Examples of function calls are,

	ABS(X)     ATAN2(1.2, D)     RAND     COS(3.14/2)

A full list of function verbs, and an explanation of each, is to be found in the Synopsis of Appendix A-3.

Manipulating Character Strings

Six function verbs are available for manipulating character strings. The values returned by these functions are,

	i) INDEX(string1, string2), LNBLNK(string) and
	   LENGTH(string) all return an integer value.

       ii) COMPARE(string1, string2) returns either of the logical
  	   constants, TRUE or FALSE.

      iii) CONCAT(string1, string2) and SUBSTR(string, m, n) both
	   return a new string.

The six character-handling functions are used as follows,

takes two string adverbs as its arguments, and returns TRUE if their contents are identical, or FALSE otherwise.

takes two strings as its arguments, and returns the string which is the concatenation of the two.

takes two strings as its argument, and returns the character position in the first string at which the first occurrence of the second string occurs.

takes a single string adverb as its argument, and returns the character position of the last non-blank character in the contents of the adverb.

also takes a single string adverb as argument, and returns the number of characters in the adverb.

takes as its argument, a string and two integer values, m and n. The sub-string contained in the string argument between character locations m and n is returned.

For example, if X_STRING, Y_STRING and Z_STRING are three string adverbs, and X and DIFF_STRING are scalar adverbs, these string functions could be used as follows,

	   >X = LNBLNK(X_STRING) - 3
	   >PRINT 'Source Name = ', SUBSTR(X_STRING, 5, 12)

Function Procedures

Function procedures are a special type of user-defined procedure which act like function verbs in that they can take parameters, and return a single value. Their use is identical to that of the built-in function verbs described above. See Section 13.7 for more details of function procedures. There are no built-in Function procedures, though some may exist in procedure libraries.

The Operands

Operands are constants (real, logical, or string constants), or references to adverbs (scalar, array, string, pointer, or keyword adverbs).

Real Constants

A real constant consists of a sign, + (optional) or -, and decimal digits (0-9) which express a real number. This can be a string of digits with a decimal point, a string of digits with a decimal point followed by an exponent, a string of digits without a decimal point, or a string of digits without a decimal point and followed by an exponent. Approximately 7 decimal digits (24 bits) can be represented internally and the magnitude of the number must be between 0 and 3.40282347E+38.

Examples of valid real constants are,

	+0             7.0E+0      9761.25E+1     +7.e3
	-999.99999     7.0E+03     7e-03         -12.34E-37

Examples of invalid real constants are,

	1.E      1.2E113

Logical Constants

In UniPOPS, logical constants can only have one of two possible values, TRUE (+1) and FALSE (-1). For example, to assign a value of "TRUE" to adverb B, type,

	>B = TRUE

Literal Constants

Literal constants consist of characters surrounded by either single or double quotation marks (" and ") as in,

	'This is a literal constant"

Up to 60 characters can be used in a literal constant, and upper and lower case characters are preserved within the quotation marks. If you use single quotes to begin a literal constant you must use single quotes to end it. If you use double quotes to begin a string, you must use double quotes to end it. To generate a quote within a quote, one follows the following rules,

	If one uses single quotes, double quotes can be used within the
	literal, as in,

>HTITLE = 'He said, "This is the end" '.

	If one uses single quotes and wants a single quote within the
	literal, two single quotes must be used within the literal.
	For example,

	   >XTITLE = 'Don"t touch that dial'.

	If one uses double quotes, single quotes can be used within the
	literal, as in,

	   >HTITLE = "Don't touch that dial".

	If one uses double quotes and wants a double quote within the
	literal, two double quotes must be used within the literal.
	For example,

	   >XTITLE = "He said, ""This is the end"" ".

References to Adverbs

A reference to a scalar, pointer, keyword, or string adverb is just the name of the adverb. A reference to an element of an array adverb is the name of the adverb followed by the indices of the desired array element enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. The only operator that can take the name of an array as an operand is the assignment (=) operand and the array's name must appear to the left of the =, i.e.,

	>NREGION = 1, 3, 34, 100, 147, 154, 0

Typical examples of references to scalar, pointer, keyword, and string adverbs could be,

	BDROP     A     B     CLIPMIN

Examples of references to elements of array adverbs are,

	NREGION(3)     SIZE(2)     YOURARRAY(2,4)


While UniPOPS understands algebraic, Polish, and reverse Polish notation for mathematical and logical expressions, it is best to enter expressions in algebraic form, similar to writing an expression in FORTRAN or C. As in FORTRAN and C, it is highly recommended that one uses opening and closing parentheses to order and arrange the expression.

The precedence of operators determines the order of evaluation. The operations with higher precedence are performed first. Expressions are evaluated from left to right for operators with the same precedence. Parentheses should be used to specify the order whenever the default precedence level is not that desired, or in order to make the computation easier to understand. When parentheses are used, the expression contained within the most deeply-nested parentheses (i.e., the innermost pair) is evaluated first.

The only difference between the order of precedence within UniPOPS and FORTRAN is that the expression A**B**C is evaluated as (A**B)**C in UniPOPS and as A**(B**C) in FORTRAN.

The order of precedence is:

	Level 1:        Expressions within parentheses
	Level 2:	Functions
	Level 3:        **
	Level 4:        *     /     - (unary)     + (unary)
	Level 5:        +     -
	Level 6:	>     <     ~=     >=     <=     = (logical)
	Level 7:        ~
	Level 8:        &
	Level 9:        |
	Level 10:       = (assignment)

Examples of the order of precedence are,

Array Mathematics

UniPOPS allows data manipulation using array mathematics. Array math must be enclosed in braces, i.e., { and }. The braces delineate where array math starts and ends. Any UniPOPS command may precede the opening { and follow the closing }. Within the { and }, no further { or } must appear -- except in literal constants, this restriction includes any array math that may be used by any procedure that is executed either explicitly or implicitly (i.e. through another procedure) within the initial array math. To reference all the elements of an array, the user needs to place an @ sign at the end of the array's name. As an example, NREGION@ refers to all 32 elements of array NREGION. Within braces, the @ will take on the values of 1 to the maximum dimension of any array within the braces. If no array is referenced within the braces, the commands within the braces will be executed 10240 times.

Any array with a dimension larger than 10240 will only have its first 10240 elements worked on. Only one dimensional arrays can be handled whose indices start at one and whose maximum index is less than or equal to 10240.

The following examples illustrate the uses of array math,

	>{PRINT 10*NREGION@}  Prints 10 times each element of NREGION.
			      Equivalent to:
			      FOR I=1 TO 32; PRINT NREGION(I)*10; END

	>{NREGION@=(@**2)/100}  Sets NREGION(1)=0.01, NREGION(2)=0.04,
			        NREGION(3)=0.09, etc.  Equivalent to:
			        FOR I=1 TO 32;NREGION(I)=(I**2)/100;END

			       Prints out maximum value in NREGION.
			       Equivalent to:
			       FOR I = 1 TO 32;A=MAX(NREGION(I),A);END
			       PRINT A

			       A is a scalar ADVERB.

	>{D0@  = RAND}      Sets the data values in Array (0) to random

	>{D0@ = H1(STSYS)*(D0@-D1@)/D1@}    Equivalent to the Green
					    Bank version of the verb
					    TEMP and to:
			          FOR I=1 TO H0(NOINT)

	>{D3@ = SQRT(D0@**2 + D1@**2)}    Takes the power spectrum of
					  the data in Arrays (1) and
					  (0) and places the results in
					  Array (3).  Equivalent to:

				  FOR I=1 TO H0(NOINT)
				  D3(I)=SQRT(D0(I)**2+D1(I)**2) END

The Verb PRINT

The verb PRINT has the syntax,

	PRINT list

It prints the values of the list that forms its attribute. The list can consist of one or more variables (adverbs), literals, or arithmetical or logical expressions. Arrays of more than one dimension are printed with the first index varying most rapidly. Literals must be enclosed in single or double quotes, though they are printed without the quotes. If the list contains arithmetic expressions, the result of the expression is printed. This means that this verb can be used as a calculator to evaluate complicated expressions, as well as to check the values of adverbs.

PRINT has the pseudonym ?.

Examples of the use of PRINT to print literals and adverbs, as well as its use as a calculator evaluating arithmetic and logical expressions are,

	>PRINT 'Hello !'
	>? A, B, C, VRMS
	>PRINT (A + B - C) ** 3
	>PRINT X > 4

You can alter the format in which PRINT will print out real-valued quantities with the verb PRNTFMT. PRNTFMT takes as an argument a literal string or string adverb that contains a legitimate format specification. The format specification you should specify is the same as what you would use in Fortran 77 for printing out a single floating-point number.

The allowable format specifications has up to five parts:

Used to specify scaling and sign control. For scaling:

		nP -- Scale control, n = any integer.

For sign control, choose one of the following:

		SS -- No plus signs printed
		SP -- Plus signs printed
		S  -- Same as SS, the system default.

If you supply more than one P or S descriptor, all but the last will be ignored. You need not supply a scaling or sign descriptor.

Used to control how floating point numbers are printed. Pick one of the following:

		F -- decimal point format
		E or D -- exponential format
		G -- depends upon magnitude of number printed
		     and will automatically choose between F or E.

Field width
Used to control the number of characters to use for each number printed.

		w -- any positive number indicating the field width.
			Make sure n is big enough to accommodate the E,
			G, or D format.

If you don't specify w, a value of 15 is assumed.

Number of digits
Used to specify either the number of digits to the left of the decimal point or the number of significant digits.

		.d -- a period followed by a positive integer.  For G
			specification, d is the number of significant
			digits, for all E, F, and D, w is the number of
			digits after the decimal point.

You cannot specify d if you haven't also specified w. If you don't specify d, a value of 7 is assumed.

Number of digits in exponent
Used with the G, E, or D specifications to indicate how many digits to use for printing exponents. Choose one of the following:

		.e              Ee

where e is any positive integer that indicates the number of digits to use in the exponent.

If you don't specify e, a value of 2 is assumed. For E, G, and D specifications, the value of w should be > d+4+e.

To create a format specification, you supply a string that contains the optional descriptor, a format specifications, and optional field widths and number of digits. Just place the desired parts one right after another in the string in the order in which they have been discussed. For more details, see the discussion of the FORMAT statement in any Fortran 77 manual.

If you supply a blank string to PRNTFMT, the default specification will be used (equivalent to SS1PG15.7.2).

For example:

	> PRNTFMT('SP1PG20.8.3")


	> FMT = "E"

	> PRNTFMT("  ")

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