Status of GBT_VLBA Operation

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GBT status: the current GBT source and tracking position.
GBT_Source Project ID UTC LST Coord Major Minor
SX217_2014-Apr-23 AGBT14A_544_01 17:18:32 02:05:52 J2000 02:49:21.12 12:40:49.08
Receiver ScanType
Rcvr2_3 Track

VLBA: next scheduled observation, its stop time and date.
dRA and dDec are the difference in position between the VLBA source and current GBT tracking position.
VLBA obs Project Stop Time Date Qual Peak dRA dDec
NO_SCHEDULE none xx:xx:xx none xxx xxx

Disc Status -- every 10 min
bank A VSN=NRAO-219 state=OK Capacity=4000GB Remaining=2757GB
bank B

Clock Comparison TMJD 56770.71477
UTC Date LST Clock -506 ns
VLBA: timed connect() Cable 864.449 ps
gbtstatus: 17:16:21 2014-04-23 02:03:40 Temp 7.86 C
Error -62181 sec Dewp -1.95 C
Unix Time diff -3404414438 sec Press 920.923 mB
Wind 3.56 m/sec
WGust 6.09 m/sec
WDir 344.40 deg
Clock comparison: this compares the VLBA station clock with the time from gbtstatus. The gbtstatus time seems to lag a little behind, so the Error is usually either zero or one. If the Error is larger than one, then you should check the VLBA station clock versus the GPS clock.

Note: if Clock greater than plus or minus several thousand, it means that the timing module on the VLBA DAR rack needs to be reset.
vgstatus last started Fri Mar 21 16:37:05 2014 UT