13mar03 bsm Notes on Penn/NRAO-GB videocon CDR === -Mark says the state at the end of April will be: *final optics design. *cryostat design workable but still with some uncertain details. *detector design pretty final, but probably no devices. (so it may change). *list of electronics rack components but perhaps no real design for enclosure, modulo detailed GB input. -Basis materials for the CDR are *three documents +electronics interface document +software interface document +mechanical interface document +powerpoint presentations (we'll get these 1 week ahead of time) -Some specific questions they have *RFI +can they simply turn off the MUX when Rx not in use, thereby presumably changing the spec? +has anybody ever *put* a computer in the receiver room before? If so perhaps that could be what they use. +Given a list of electronics components to what extent can GB actually specify an enclosure for them? *Money +they need money for Goddard