The Green Bank Telescope

VEGAS Specifications

  • Spectra can be measured from 8 dual polarized beams.
  • 8-bit Analog to Digital Converters will be used.
  • Digitized bandwidth : 1.5 GHz (usable bandwidth 1.25 GHz).
  • Number of digitally tuned sub-bands within 1.5 GHz bandwidth : 8.
  • Number of sub-bands per beam when processing signals from 8 dual polarized beams: 8
  • Total bandwidth that can be processed from a dual polarized beam : 10 GHz.
  • Number of sub-bands per beam when processing signals from a dual polarized beam : 64
  • Maximum number of spectral channels: 32768.
  • Reconfigurable hardware will be used to support up to 17 observing modes which provide spectral resolutions from 1.5 MHz to 30 Hz and sub-band bandwidths from 30 MHz to 1 MHz.
  • Maximum spectral dump rate : every 0.5 msec.
  • Provides a maximum of 6 switching states for versatile reference measurement for calibration.
  • Maximum data rate to disk 100 MB/sec per spectrometer (total 100 x 8 = 800 MB/sec).

See specifications document for details


The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

Last updated 17 January 2012 by D. Anish Roshi