Subj: GBES schedco Users guide From: Toney Minter Date: 96 December 12, updated 97 Jun 25 This document describes GBES offline utility program "schedco" for conversion of the global space radio telescope (SRT) schedule file into a local command file for running the tracking station. schedco ============== The schedco program reads through the SRT file, and optionally the orbit predictions file in order to produce the local command file. The output command file is put into a file which by default is located in the directory /s3/ftp/ovlbi/in. The name of this file is determined by schedco and is reported to the user after schedco has finished running. Like all GBES offline programs, schedco also produces a short help message if executed without arguments. Ie: % /s3/ovlbi/bin/schedco schedco is an offline program which reads a global schedule file and the latest orbit file in order to produce a command file and schedule for the GBES. schedco: optional arguments are in [brackets]; usage schedco [] [-badtape ] [-state ] [-tapeS2 <1> <1> ] [-tapeVLBA <1,2,3> <1-28> ] [-tapeVSOP <1,2> <1-28> ] [-orbit ] [-out ] where is the SRT file to be interpreted is the orbit file used for tracking not yet in use, do not enter a value not yet in use, do not enter a value is the output file name -tape{S2,VLBA,VSOP} indicates that the tape parameters will be specified by the user with the following four arguements: <1,2,3> specifies the current tape drives available 1,2 => how many tape drives available to the designated tape drive 3 => record on two tapes at once (vlba only) <1-28> specifies the tape track to begin recording on specifies the VLBA recording mode (001,002) specifies whether a new tape is to be mounted All three arguements must be entered if -tape?? is specified where can be one or more of: -b[egin] [