ACU Racks

The two Station Antenna Control Unit (ACU) racks are modified from the original Interferometer design in several ways, but most of the electronics is unchanged. Dave Gordon, OVLBI operator, is shown adjusting the intercom setting.

The ACU racks support manual and computer control of the antenna pointing. No computer control is possible for focus or rotation of the sub-reflector. One recent modification of the ACU rack was addition of a board to allow manual operation of the antenna, with the possiblity of Station computer control.

The communication between the ACU and station computer is via the MCB bus. The Station Weather station is also located in the ACU rack. It is located just above Dave's hand.

Related Web Sites

Return to the OVLBI Hardware Page or the OVLBI Home Page. VSOP/HALCA has a home page. The VLBA Correlator NRAO Socorro is developing other hardware and software for the NASA OVLBI project. There is a Space VLBA Correlator home page as well.

Return to the Station Software Guide. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) is a facillity of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.
Last update: 98 January 16