gbtnews #7 7 August 31 Call for Proposals -- Green Bank Telescope The next deadline for GBT observing proposals is October 1, 2001. This is a general call for proposals for all basic observing modes and for frequencies through 26.5 GHz (K-band). Observing modes include spectral line, continuum, pulsar, and VLBI/VLBA. Receivers include PF1, PF2, L, S, C, X, Ku, and K-bands. VLBA proposals requesting the GBT should be submitted to the VLBA and not the GBT. For frequency ranges and other observing and equipment descriptions, see the GBT Short Guide at Observations for frequencies above 26.5 GHz will not be accepted for this call. Pulsar proposals are restricted to the Spectral Processor or user-supplied backends. The GBT is currently undergoing astronomical commissioning. The announced proposal call is for the first trimester of 2002. We expect the proposals to be scheduled from February through May of 2002, but dates depend on commissioning progress. Commissioning will be continuing during that trimester, but we anticipate that up to one-half the total time will be available for observing programs. Because the telescope will still be undergoing commissioning, observers must expect to share the attendant risks. As we expect no more than one-half the time to be available to observing, fewer proposals will be selected than will be the case in subsequent trimesters. All proposals should be submitted electronically using the new version of the Proposal Submission Tool (PST) which is available from the downloads page. Old versions of the tool should be deleted. We are conducting final checkouts of the new version of the PST and will not accept proposal submissions before 1 September. You may therefore wish to postpone downloading the PST until after that date. We have modified the PST so that the scientific and technical justifications are combined and attached as a separate file (in text, postscript or pdf format), so you can work on your science case independently of the PST. We will send out a further notice to gbtnews when proposals may be submitted. Questions about the proposal submission process may be addressed to Carl Bignell at, or at 304-456-2165. Technical questions about GBT hardware, software, and observing modes may be addressed to Ron Maddalena at, or at 304-456-2207. Phil Jewell