GBT Receivers

Science with the GBT

The GBT is the most precise and versatile large radio telescope constructed to date. It can operate over a wavelength range of 100 MHz to 115 GHz. This enormous coverage will make it a unique scientific instrument, capable of supporting a number of research efforts. A sample of these scientific areas is noted below.

< 1 GHz Redshifted HI

1.4 - 1.7 GHz HI, OH Spectroscopy

1 - 5 GHz Pulsars

1 - 20 GHz Radio continuum measurements (non-thermal)

1 - 20 GHz Astrochemistry of heavy molecules

22 GHz Water Masers in Galactic and MegaMaser Galaxies

26 - 35 GHz Cosmic Background Radiation studies

1 - 86 GHz VLBI of non-thermal sources

2 - 115 GHz Molecular spectroscopy of star forming regions

70 - 100 GHz Redshifted CO from the Early Universe

80 - 100 GHz Continuum studies of highly Redshifted dust