The Operators Role

The GBT operator is responsible for assisting astronomers carry out observing programs using the DCR. Refer to the GBT Operations Manual, procedures and checklists for specific guidance on setting up and operating this receiver.

Monitor and Control Software

The DCR software contains interrupt routines, real-time tasks and classes that run on an VME single-board computer. It also contains a data server, Console, Registry and Glish software that run in a Unix environment.

Monitoring the state, status, and controlling certain electronic set-ups of the DCR is done via Control Library for Engineers and Operators (CLEO) applications. These applications are run from the operator's control room workstation. They can also be accessed through other workstations on site under specified conditions. In addition to its primary monitoring function, this software package can also be used to manually control observing functions. Specific information concerning CLEO applications is included in an on-line CLEO Manual.

Observer - Operator Interface Software

Observing with the GBT and using its variety of backend instruments can be done interactively through graphical control screens or by running pre-planned observing tables. This interface uses a "windows" type environment. Setting up various GBT instrument and backend devices may be accomplished in both automated and manual modes depending on the observers plan. Specifics' concerning this software, and how it can be used in connection with the DCR, is discussed in the software's user manual. Please refer to it as necessary.