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Definitions Of The Switching Modes

There are currently seven pre-defined states for the switch_mode GO Keyword. switch_mode also has four more user defined states and five modes which have not yet been implemented.

The states are12:

Total Power; NONE; TPWCAL
${\rm number\_of\_phases = 2}$
${\rm switchDeltas = [ 0.0 ]}$
${\rm beam\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$
${\rm cal\_ctrl = \lq\lq external''}$
${\rm pol\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$

phase phase_start cal_state sig_ref_state
1 0.0 NoNoise Sig
2 0.5 Noise Sig

Total Power, No Cal; NONE; TWNOCAL
${\rm number\_of\_phases = 1}$
${\rm switchDeltas = [ 0.0 ]}$
${\rm beam\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$
${\rm cal\_ctrl = \lq\lq external''}$
${\rm pol\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$

phase phase_start cal_state sig_ref_state
1 0.0 NoNoise Sig

Total Power, Spec. Proc.; NONE; TPWCALSP
${\rm number\_of\_phases = 2}$
${\rm switchDeltas = [ 0.0 ]}$
${\rm beam\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$
${\rm cal\_ctrl = \lq\lq external''}$
${\rm pol\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$

phase phase_start cal_state sig_ref_state
1 0.0 NoNoise Sig
2 0.5 Noise Ref

N.B. The `` Total Power, Spec. Proc.'' is not yet implemented.

Freq Switch, 01; FSWITCH; FSW01
${\rm number\_of\_phases = 4}$
${\rm switchDeltas = [ 0.0, f_1 ]}$ were ${\rm f_1}$ denotes the 1st frequency offset.
${\rm beam\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$
${\rm cal\_ctrl = \lq\lq external''}$
${\rm pol\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$

phase phase_start cal_state sig_ref_state ${\rm f_{offset}}$
1 0.00 NoNoise Sig 0.
2 0.25 Noise Sig 0.
3 0.50 NoNoise Ref ${\rm f_1}$
4 0.75 Noise Ref ${\rm f_1}$

Freq Switch, 12; FSWITCH; FSW12
${\rm number\_of\_phases = 4}$
${\rm switchDeltas = [ f_1, f_2 ]}$ were ${\rm f_2}$ denotes the 2nd frequency offset.
${\rm beam\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$
${\rm cal\_ctrl = \lq\lq external''}$
${\rm pol\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$

phase phase_start cal_state sig_ref_state ${\rm f_{offset}}$
1 0.00 NoNoise Sig ${\rm f_1}$
2 0.25 Noise Sig ${\rm f_1}$
3 0.50 NoNoise Ref ${\rm f_2}$
4 0.75 Noise Ref ${\rm f_2}$

Freq Switch, 0102; FSWITCH; FSW0102
${\rm number\_of\_phases = 8}$
${\rm switchDeltas = [ 0, f_1, 0, f_2 ]}$
${\rm beam\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$
${\rm cal\_ctrl = \lq\lq external''}$
${\rm pol\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$

phase phase_start cal_state sig_ref_state ${\rm f_{offset}}$
1 0.000 NoNoise Sig 0.
2 0.125 Noise Sig 0.
3 0.250 NoNoise Ref ${\rm f_1}$
4 0.375 Noise Ref ${\rm f_1}$
5 0.500 NoNoise Sig 0.
6 0.625 Noise Sig 0.
7 0.750 NoNoise Ref ${\rm f_2}$
8 0.875 Noise Ref ${\rm f_2}$

Freq Switch, User Def.; FSWITCH; USERDEF
Any other combination of number_of_phases, phase_start, cal_state, sig_ref_state and cal_ctrl which were not defined above while switchDeltas $\ne$ [ 0 ], beam_ctrl $=$ "manual" and pol_ctrl $=$ "manual".

${\rm number\_of\_phases = 4}$
${\rm switchDeltas = [ 0.0 ]}$
${\rm beam\_ctrl = \lq\lq computer''}$
${\rm cal\_ctrl = \lq\lq external''}$
${\rm pol\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$

phase phase_start cal_state sig_ref_state Beam Num.
1 0.00 NoNoise Sig 1 or 3
2 0.25 Noise Sig 1 or 3
3 0.50 NoNoise Ref 2 or 4
4 0.75 Noise Ref 2 or 4

Beam Switch, User Def.; BSWITCH; USERDEF
Any other combination of number_of_phases,phase_start, cal_state, sig_ref_state and cal_ctrl which were not defined above while switchDeltas $=$ [ 0 ], beam_ctrl $=$ "computer" and pol_ctrl $=$ "manual".

${\rm number\_of\_phases = 4}$
${\rm switchDeltas = [ 0.0 ]}$
${\rm beam\_ctrl = \lq\lq manual''}$
${\rm cal\_ctrl = \lq\lq external''}$
${\rm pol\_ctrl = \lq\lq computer''}$

phase phase_start cal_state sig_ref_state Polarization
1 0.00 NoNoise Sig X or RCP
2 0.25 Noise Sig X or RCP
3 0.50 NoNoise Ref Y or LCP
4 0.75 Noise Ref Y or LCP

Pol. Switch, User Def.; PSWITCH; USERDEF
Any other combination of number_of_phases,phase_start, cal_state, sig_ref_state and cal_ctrl which were not defined above while switchDeltas $=$ [ 0 ], beam_ctrl $=$ "manual" and pol_ctrl $=$ "computer".

User Defined; NONE; USERDEF
Any other combination of number_of_phases, phase_start, cal_state, sig_ref_state and cal_ctrl which were not defined above while switchDeltas $=$ [ 0 ], beam_ctrl $=$ "manual" and pol_ctrl $=$ "manual".

Freq Switch, 01, No Cal.; FSWITCH; FSW01NOCAL
Not yet implemented.

Freq Switch, 12, No Cal.; FSWITCH; FSW12NOCAL
Not yet implemented.

Freq Switch, 0102, No Cal.; FSWITCH; FSW0102NOCAL
Not yet implemented.

Not yet implemented.

Not yet implemented.

The switching_signals_master, blanking_time, switch_period, AdvanceTime, AdvanceSig1 and AdvanceSig2 parameters are set independently, i.e. they do not depend on the switch_mode GO Keyword.

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Bob Garwood 2011-07-23