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cross procedure

The Cross procedure sweeps through the specified position in the chosen coordinate system in the four cardinal directions. Its primary purpose to deterime pointing offsets. Each sweep will be a separate scan with the Scan Length automatically determined by the coordinate Lengths and Rates. The available keywords for the cross procedure are shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Keywords available for the cross procedure. The keywords that are active depends on the selection of the sc.coordinatemode and sc.offsetcoordinatemode keyword values.
RA & DEC HA & DEC Galactic Az. & El. / Encoder User Defined Solar System
proc.ra proc.ha proc.long proc.udlong proc.sslong
proc.dec proc.dec proc.elev proc.udlat proc.sslat
proc.rarate proc.harate proc.longrate proc.azrate proc.udlongrate proc.sslongrate
proc.decrate proc.decrate proc.latrate proc.elevrate proc.udlatrate proc.sslatrate
proc.ralength proc.halength proc.longlength proc.azlength proc.udlonglength proc.sslonglength
proc.declength proc.declength proc.latlength proc.elevlength proc.udlatlength proc.sslatlength
proc.secantdec proc.secantdec proc.secantlat proc.secantelev proc.secantudlat proc.secantsslat

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Bob Garwood 2011-07-25