;+ ; Change the size of an existing data container. ; ;

If new channels are added to the end of an existing data ; container, they are filled with the blanked value (not a number, ; NAN) unless the /zero flag is set (in which case they are replaced ; with zeros). If /beginning is set then the extra channels are added ; to the beginning of the data and reference_channel value is adjust ; accordingly. ; ;

This only works for spectrum data containers where the x-axis is ; linear in frequency and so the x-axis values are always ; well-determined when extending a spectrum data container. ; ; @param dc {in}{out}{required}{type=data container} The data ; container to resize. ; @param newsize {in}{required}{type=integer} The new number of ; channels. This must be > 0. ; @keyword zero {in}{optional}{type=boolean} If set, any new channels ; are filled with zero instead of NAN. ; ; @examples ;

;    ; double the size of dc, new channels are filled with NAN
;    nels = data_valid(dc)
;    dcresize,dc,nels*2
;    ; back to its original size
;    dcresize,dc,nels
;    ; add 100 channels, fill with 0.0
;    dcresize,dc,(nels+100),/zero
;    ; to use this, or any toolbox function, on a DC in the !g
;    ; structure, do this
;    dc = !g.s[0]
;    nels = data_valid(dc)
;    dcresizse,dc,nels+200
; @version $Id$
pro dcresize,dc,newsize,zero=zero,beginning=beginning
    compile_opt idl2

    if n_params() ne 2 then begin

    nels = data_valid(dc,name=name)
    if name ne "SPECTRUM_STRUCT" then begin
        message,"resize only works with spectrum data containers",/info

    if nels le 0 then begin
        message,'dc is empty or invalid, can not continue',/info

    thisNewsize = round(newsize)
    if thisNewsize le 0 then begin
        message,'newsize must be > 0',/info

    if thisNewsize eq nels then return

    if thisNewsize lt nels then begin
        *dc.data_ptr = (*dc.data_ptr)[0:(thisNewsize-1)]
    endif else begin
        newvalue = !values.f_nan
        if keyword_set(zero) then newvalue = 0.0
        newchans = make_array(thisNewsize - nels, /float, value=newvalue)
        if keyword_set(beginning) then begin
            *dc.data_ptr = [newchans, *dc.data_ptr]
            dc.reference_channel = dc.reference_channel + n_elements(newchans)
        endif else begin
            *dc.data_ptr = [*dc.data_ptr, newchans]