;+ ; This procedure lists a summary of the input dataset. The listing ; can be sent to a file instead of directly to the current screen. ; ;

This is designed to work with un-calibrated GBT data and is ; likely to give confusing results for other data. For other data, ; list is usually more useful. ; ;

Note: The numbers (nIF, nInt, nFd) are the number of unique ; values for each parameter (ifnum, intnum, fdnum) found for that ; scan. All combinations of all possible values of ifnum, intnum, ; fdnum, and plnum may not be present in that scan. ; ; @param file {in}{optional}{type=string}{default=/dev/tty} The file ; to write to. Defaults to the current screen, using "more" to page ; the output. ; ; @keyword bscan {in}{optional}{type=integer} The smallest scan number ; to summarize. Scan numbers less than bscan are ignored. When ; unspecified no scans are excluded by this keyword. ; ; @keyword escan {in}{optional}{type=integer} The largest scan number ; to summarize. Scan numbers larger than escan are ignored. When ; unspecified no scans are excluded by this keyword. ; ; ; @examples ;

;    filein,'myfile.fits'
;    summary
;       ; summarize the same output to a file instead of the screen
;    summary,'myfile.summary'
;       ; summarize starting from scan 14
;    summary, bscan=14
;       ; summarize through scan 24
;    summary, escan=24
;       ; summarize from scan 14 through scan 24
;    summary, bscan=14, escan=24
; ; ; @version $Id$ ;- pro summary, file, bscan=bscan, escan=escan compile_opt idl2 if not !g.line then begin message,'Summary is not available for continuum data, sorry.',/info return endif if !g.lineio->get_num_index_rows() le 0 then begin message,'No line data is attached yet, use filein or dirin.',/info return endif if n_elements(bscan) gt 1 or n_elements(escan) gt 1 then begin message,'bscan and escan must be single values',/info return endif smin = 0L if n_elements(bscan) eq 1 then smin = bscan smax = long(2LL^31-1) if n_elements(escan) eq 1 then smax = escan ; can we use more usemore = 0 fileout='' if n_elements(file) eq 0 then begin if !g.interactive then begin usemore = 1 fileout='/dev/tty' endif endif else begin fileout = file endelse if strlen(fileout) gt 0 then begin openw, out, fileout, /get_lun, more=usemore endif else begin ; just write to stdout, without using more out = -1 endelse printf,out,' Scan Source Vel Proc Seq RestF nIF nInt nFd Az El' printf,out,'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' scans = !g.lineio->get_index_values("SCAN") times = !g.lineio->get_index_values("TIMESTAMP") indx = lonarr(n_elements(scans)) count = 0 oldscan = -1 oldtime = '' for i=0,n_elements(scans)-1 do begin scan = scans[i] if scan lt smin or scan gt smax then continue if scan ne oldscan or times[i] ne oldtime then begin indx[count] = i count += 1 oldscan = scan oldtime = times[i] endif endfor if (count eq 0) then return indx = indx[0:(count-1)] az = !g.lineio->get_index_values("AZIMUTH",index=indx) el = !g.lineio->get_index_values("ELEVATION",index=indx) source = !g.lineio->get_index_values("SOURCE",index=indx) proc = !g.lineio->get_index_values("PROCEDURE",index=indx) seqn = !g.lineio->get_index_values("PROCSEQN",index=indx) vel = !g.lineio->get_index_values("VELOCITY",index=indx) restf = !g.lineio->get_index_values("RESTFREQ",index=indx) procedure = strarr(count) nifs = intarr(count) nints = lonarr(count) nfeeds = intarr(count) scans = scans[indx] times = times[indx] sortedScans = scans[sort(scans)] hasInfo = intarr(count) for i=0,(n_elements(scans)-1) do begin if not hasInfo[i] then begin scaninfo = scan_info(scans[i],count=count,/quiet) for j=0,(count-1) do begin thisInfo = scaninfo[j] indx = where(scans eq thisInfo.scan) indx2 = where(times[indx] eq thisInfo.timestamp,finalCount) indx =indx[indx2] if finalCount lt 1 then begin if out ne -1 then free_lun, out message,'Unexpected error, unable to continue, please report this. Sorry.' endif for k=0,(finalCount-1) do begin thisIndx = indx[k] procedure[thisIndx] = thisInfo.procedure nifs[thisIndx] = thisInfo.n_ifs nints[thisIndx] = thisInfo.n_integrations nfeeds[thisIndx] = thisInfo.n_feeds hasInfo[thisIndx] = 1 endfor endfor endif thissource = source[i] if strlen(thissource) gt 16 then thissource = strmid(thissource,0,15) + "*" printf,out,scans[i],thissource,vel[i]/1e3,$ procedure[i],seqn[i],restf[i]/1e9,nifs[i], $ nints[i], nfeeds[i], az[i], el[i], $ format='(i6,1x,a16,1x,f8.1,1x,a7,x,i3,2x,f7.3,1x,i3,1x,i4,1x,i3,2x,f5.1,x,f5.1)' endfor if out ne -1 then begin free_lun, out if n_elements(file) gt 0 then begin if strlen(file) gt 0 then print, 'Summary written to : ', file endif endif end