;+ ; Procedure to display some simple statistics. ; ;

Statistics are done on the contents of buffer 0. One ; can specify the range over which statistics will be computed in ; any of several ways. To specify a begin and end x-value in the ; currently displayed x-axis units, use the parameters brange and erange. ; If no x-axis range is given, the user is prompted to specify the ; region of interest using the mouse. ; ;

If there is no plot displayed, then brange and erange are assumed to be ; in units of channel number. If either is not supplied and ; there is no plot displayed then the full range is used. ; ;

Use /chan if brange and range are in channels instead of the ; currently displayed x-axis units. ; ; @param brange {in}{optional}{type=float} Starting value in x-axis units ; @param erange {in}{optional}{type=float} Ending value in x-axis units ; @keyword full {in}{optional}{type=boolean} Compute stats for full spectrum? ; @keyword chan {in}{optional}{type=boolean} Range specified in channels? ; @keyword quiet {in}{optional}{type=boolean} Suppress the printing of ; the moments. ; @keyword ret {out}{optional}{type=structure} Structure containing results ; @examples ;

;    getrec,1
;    show               ; Use the plotter to set the X-axis to channels
;    stats,0,99         ; Gets stats for first 100 channels
;    show               ; Use the plotter to set the X-axis to GHz
;    stats,1.420,1.421  ; Gets stats
;    stats              ; User clicks plot to determine stats region
;    stats,ret=mystats  ; Return stats in a structure
;    print,mystats.rms
; ; @version $Id$ ;- pro stats,brange,erange,full=full,chan=chan,ret=ret,quiet=quiet compile_opt idl2 if not !g.line then begin message,'Statistics not yet supported for continuum mode.',/info return endif nels = data_valid(!g.s[0]) if nels le 0 then begin message,'No data in primary data container',/info return endif chanRange = getstatsrange('stats', nels, brange, erange, full=full,chan=chan) if n_elements(chanRange) eq 1 then begin message,'range is out of bounds for this data',/info return endif bchan = chanRange[0] echan = chanRange[1] if bchan eq echan then begin print,'Stats are not supported for a single channel.' print,'Data value at index ',bchan,' = ',(*!g.s[0].data_ptr)[bchan] return end data = (*!g.s[0].data_ptr)[bchan:echan] mom = moment(data,mdev=mad,/nan) len = n_elements(data) hasXaxis = not (n_elements(getxarray()) eq 1 and (getxarray())[0] eq -1) if hasXaxis then begin chansize = abs(chantox(bchan)-chantox(bchan+1)) xmin = chantox(bchan) xmax = chantox(echan) endif else begin chansize = 1 xmin = bchan xmax = echan endelse if xmin gt xmax then begin tmp = xmin & xmin = xmax & xmax = tmp end area = total(data,/nan)*chansize mindata = min(data,max=maxdata,/nan) indx = where(finite(data)) nokchans = (indx[0] ge 0) ? n_elements(indx): 0 if not keyword_set(quiet) then begin print,' Chans bchan echan Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax' print,nokchans,bchan,echan,xmin,xmax,mindata,maxdata, $ format='(1x,I8,1x,I8,1x,I8,1x,G11.5,1x,G11.5,1x,G11.5,1x,G11.5)' print print,' Mean Median RMS Variance Area' print,mom[0],median(data),stddev(data,/nan),mom[1],area, $ format='(16x,G11.5,1x,G11.5,1x,G11.5,1x,G11.5,1x,G11.5)' endif ret = {bchan:bchan,echan:echan,nchan:nokchans, $ xmin:xmin,xmax:xmax,min:mindata, $ max:maxdata,mean:mom[0],median:median(data),rms:stddev(data,/nan), $ variance:mom[1],area:area} end