;+ ; Replace spectral channels by interpolation, or with zero values or ; blanks. If neither zero or blank are set, the data between bchan ; and echan are replaced with a straight line connecting the two end ; points. If neither bchan or echan are given the user is prompted ; select the region to be replaced on the plotter. ; ; @param bchan {in}{optional}{type=float} Starting channel. If this is ; a floating point value it is first rounded (using the IDL round function) ; before being used. ; @param echan {in}{optional}{type=float} Ending channel. If this is ; a floating point value it is first rounded (using the IDL round function) ; before being used. ; @keyword zero {in}{optional}{type=boolean} If this keyword is set, ; the data are replaced with zero values. Otherwise, the replacement ; data values are interpolated from the endpoints. ; @keyword blank {in}{optional}{type=boolean} If this keyword is set, ; the data are replaced by IEEE NaN (not a number). Such values are ; treated as missing data (not used in operations, not shown on the ; plotter, etc). If both blank and zero are set, zero takes ; precedence and the data will not be blanked. ; ; @examples ;
;    getrec,1
;    chan               ; set the X-axis to channels
;    replace,1023,1025  ; replace the channel range 1023-1025
;    freq               ; set the X-axis to GHz
;    replace            ; prompt user for ranges and replace the values
;    replace,15,/zero   ; set the data value at channel 15 to 0.0
;    replace,2014,/blank; set the data value at channel 2014 to NaN
; ; @version $Id$ ;- pro replace,bchan,echan,zero=zero,blank=blank compile_opt idl2 common gbtplot_common,mystate,xarray if not !g.line then begin print,'replace is not yet supported for Continuum mode.' return end if n_elements(bchan) eq 0 and n_elements(echan) eq 0 then begin if (data_valid(getplotterdc()) le 0) then begin message,'The plotter is empty',/info return endif done = 0 print,'Select regions for data replacement.' print,'' print,' Left click to mark a region boundary.' print,' Right click when finished.' print,' Middle click to abort and replace nothing.' print,'' count = 0 chanlist = make_array(100,/long) while not done do begin a = click() if a.button eq 4 then done = 1 $ else if a.button eq 2 then begin print,'replace aborted.' show return end else begin gbtoplot,[a.x,a.x],mystate.yrange,color=!white chanlist[count] = round(a.chan) count += 1 end endwhile sortlist = chanlist[sort(chanlist[0:(count-1)])] if (count mod 2) eq 1 then begin print,'Error: an odd number of endpoints was entered. Try again.' show return end for i=0,count-1,2 do begin replace_chans,sortlist[i],sortlist[i+1],zero=zero,blank=blank endfor endif else if n_elements(echan) eq 0 then $ replace_chans,bchan,bchan,zero=zero,blank=blank $ else replace_chans,bchan,echan,zero=zero,blank=blank if not !g.frozen then show end ;+ ; Used internally in replace ; ; @param bchan {in}{required}{type=integer} Beginning channel number. Value is rounded (using IDL round function) to accomodate floating point values. ; @param echan {in}{required}{type=integer} End channel number. Value is rounded (using IDL round function) to accomodate floating point values. ; @keyword zero {in}{optional}{type=boolean} When set, set the data to ; 0 in the channel range. ; @keyword blank {in}{optional}{type=boolean} When set, set the data to ; NaN in the channel range. Has no effect if zero is also set. ; ; @private ;- pro replace_chans,bchan,echan,zero=zero,blank=blank compile_opt idl2 data = getdata() numchans = n_elements(data) thisEchan = round(echan) thisBchan = round(bchan) if thisBchan gt thisEchan then begin tmp = thisBchan & thisBchan = thisEchan & thisEchan = tmp endif if thisBchan gt (numchans-1) or thisEchan lt 0 then begin message,"Nothing to flag.",/info return endif if thisBchan lt 0 then thisBchan = 0 if thisEchan gt (numchans-1) then thisEchan = numchans-1 if keyword_set(zero) then begin data[thisBchan:thisEchan] = 0.0 *!g.s[0].data_ptr = data return endif if keyword_set(blank) then begin data[thisBchan:thisEchan] = !values.f_nan *!g.s[0].data_ptr = data return endif if thisBchan eq thisEchan then begin if thisBchan eq 0 then data[0] = data[1] $ else if thisBchan eq numchans-1 then data[numchans-1] = data[numchans-2] $ else data[thisBchan] = (data[thisBchan-1] + data[thisBchan+1])/2.0 *!g.s[0].data_ptr = data return endif if thisBchan le 0 then begin thisBchan = 1 data[0] = data[thisEchan+1] endif if thisEchan ge (numchans-1) then begin thisEchan = numchans-2 data[numchans-1] = data[thisBchan-1] endif data[(thisBchan-1):(thisEchan+1)] = interpol([data[thisBchan-1],data[thisEchan+1]],thisEchan-thisBchan+3) *!g.s[0].data_ptr = data end