;+ ; Generate flag table entries using QuadrantDetector columns in the ; associated SDFITS file (QD_XEL, QD_EL, and QD_BAD). ; ;

A flag table entry is made for an integration within a scan as ; follows: ;

; ;

Data which pass the QD_BAD test should be flagged for that ; integration if ;

;   (ABS(QD_XEL) / HPBW) > thresh
;   HPBW = 740 / (observed_frequency in GHz)
; Where the units of QD_XEL and HPBW in the above are arcseconds and thresh ; defaults to 0.2 if not specified. ; ;

The idstring value is used to tag all flag table entries written by ; this routine. If not supplied it defaults to QD_BADDATA. ; ;

This procedure will not reflag any scan where any flag entries ; already exist with the same idstring. If you want to regenerate the ; flag table (e.g. using a different threshold or flag_qd_bad value) ; choose a different idstring or remove all existing flags with that ; idstring using the unflag procedure. ; ;

This uses the main data file unless the keep keyword is set, in ; which case it uses the keep file. ; ;

This only works on spectral line data. ; ;

On completion, a table is printed giving the following statistics ; for each unique source name encountered: the total time observed for ; that source (this is the duration, not the exposure), the total time ; flagged, the percent flagged, and the percent of data that had a ; non-zero QD_BAD value. ; ;

For older SDFITS files that lack the QD columns, this routine ; prints a warning message without flagging any data. ; ; @param scans {in}{required}{type=integer} The scan number(s) to ; flag. If not supplied, use all scans. This can be vector of scan ; numbers ; @keyword thresh {in}{optional}{type=float}{default=0.2} The threshold ; to use when flagging using good QD_XEL values. Defaults to 0.2. ; @keyword idstring {in}{optional}{type=string}{default="QD_BADDATA"} ; The tag to give each flag entry written by this routine. Defaults ; to "QD_BADDATA". ; @keyword flag_qd_bad {in}{optional}{type=boolean} If set, flag all ; data having non-zero values of QD_BAD, otherwise data with QD_BAD is ; not flagged. ; @keyword keep {in}{optional}{type=boolean} If set, flag using the ; keep file, otherwise use the default data file. ; ; @version $Id$ ;- pro qdflag, scans, thresh=thresh, idstring=idstring, flag_qd_bad=flag_qd_bad, keep=keep compile_opt idl2 on_error,2 ; must be in spectral line mode if not !g.line then begin message,'This does not work in continuum mode, sorry.', level=-1, /info return endif ; defaults thisThresh = 0.2 flagString = "QD_BAD" if n_elements(thresh) gt 0 then begin thisThresh = float(thresh[0]) endif if n_elements(idstring) gt 0 then begin flagString = idstring[0] endif doFlagBadQD = keyword_set(flag_qd_bad) scanNos = get_scan_numbers(count,/unique,keep=keep) if count le 0 then begin message,'No data found.',level=-1,/info return endif scanCount = 0 if n_elements(scans) eq 0 then begin doScans = scanNos scanCount = count endif else begin for i=0,(n_elements(scans)-1) do begin tmp = where(scanNos eq scans[i],count) if count gt 0 then begin if scanCount eq 0 then begin doScans = scans[i] endif else begin doScans = [doScans,scans[i]] endelse scanCount += 1 endif endfor endelse if scanCount le 0 then begin message,'Requested scans not found.',level=-1,/info endif fio = !g.lineio if keyword_set(keep) then begin fio = !g.lineoutio endif stats = -1 objects = -1 for i=0,(scanCount-1) do begin thisScan = doScans[i] if fio->is_scan_flagged(thisScan,idstring=flagString) then continue qdCols = fio->get_columns(["QD_XEL","QD_BAD","DATE_OBS","TIMESTAMP","OBSFREQ","DURATION","OBJECT"],scan=thisScan) if size(qdCols,/type) ne 8 then continue if size(qdCols.missing,/type) eq 7 then begin ; this means that some columns were ; missing - no point in continuing return endif ; final sanity check, there should be just one unique TIMESTAMP if n_elements(uniq(qdCols.timestamp)) ne 1 then begin msg = String(thisScan,format="('Multiple scans exist with the same scan number, these scans cannot be flagged indepndently and are skipped here. Scan number:',I6)") message,msg,level=-1,/info continue endif ; prepare to update stats on this object thisObject = qdCols.object[0] if size(objects,/type) ne 7 then begin objIndx = -1 endif else begin objIndx = where(objects eq thisObject) objIndx = objIndx[0] endelse objTag = -1 objLoc = -1 if objIndx lt 0 then begin ; new object objStats = {object:thisObject,tDur:0.0,tFlag:0.0,tBadQD:0.0} endif else begin ; this should be easier - damn ; case-insensitive IDL, need to start ; with character, inability to index ; on a string variable - just the ; integer associated with that tag. objTag = strupcase(strcompress('TAG'+string(objIndx),/remove_all)) objLoc = where(tag_names(stats) eq objTag) ; I've decided not to be ; paranoid here and so will not verify that ; loc is >= 0 and that the object ; field found at that loc is thisObject objStats = stats.(objLoc) endelse ; find the unique timestamps - equivalent to integration numbers intIndexes = uniq(qdCols.date_obs,sort(qdCols.date_obs)) ; find the min OBSFREQ to get max HPBW appropriate for this scan minObsfreqGHz = min(qdCols.obsfreq)/1.e9 ; HPBW in degrees hpbw = 740./minObsfreqGHz/3600.0 qd_xel = qdcols.qd_xel[intIndexes] qd_bad = qdcols.qd_bad[intIndexes] tdurs = qdcols.duration[intIndexes] ; convert durations to hours objStats.tDur += total(tdurs)/3600.0 thisObject = qdcols.object[0] relXel = abs(qd_xel)/hpbw goodQDFlags = where((qd_bad eq 0) and (relXel gt thisThresh), goodFlagCount) badQDFlags = where(qd_bad ne 0, badFlagCount) if badFlagCount gt 0 then objStats.tBadQD += total(tdurs[badQDFlags])/3600.0 ; need vector of integration numbers here if (goodFlagCount gt 0) or ((badFlagCount gt 0) and doFlagBadQD) then begin ; something needs to be flagged intNums = lindgen(n_elements(qd_xel)) if goodFlagCount gt 0 then begin flag, thisScan, intnum=intNums[goodQDFlags], idstring=flagString, keep=keep objStats.tFlag += total(tdurs[goodQDFlags])/3600.0 endif if (badFlagCount gt 0) and doFlagBadQD then begin flag, thisScan, intNum=intNums[badQDFlags], idstring=flagString, keep=keep objStats.tFlag += total(tdurs[badQDFlags])/3600.0 endif endif ; add it into results structure if size(stats,/type) ne 8 then begin ; everything is new objects = [thisObject] objIndx = 0 objTag = strupcase(strcompress('tag'+string(objIndx),/remove_all)) stats = create_struct(objTag,objStats) endif else begin if objLoc eq -1 then begin ; new object objects = [objects,thisObject] objIndx = n_elements(objects)-1 objTag = strupcase(strcompress('tag'+string(objIndx),/remove_all)) stats = create_struct(stats,objTag,objStats) endif else begin ; replace stats.(objLoc) = objStats endelse endelse endfor if size(stats,/type) eq 8 then begin tagList = tag_names(stats) ; totals tot_tDur = 0.0 tot_tFlag = 0.0 tot_tBadQD = 0.0 print,'Target Total Time Time Flagged Pct Flagged Pct Bad QD' fmtString = "(a-20,f7.2,' hr',3x,f7.2,' hr',6x,f5.1,'% ',7x,f5.1,'%')" for i=0,n_elements(objects)-1 do begin objTag = strupcase(strcompress('tag'+string(i),/remove_all)) objLoc = where(tagList eq objTag) objStats = stats.(objLoc[0]) print,objects[i],objStats.tDur,objStats.tFlag,100.0*(objStats.tFlag/objStats.tDur),100.0*(objStats.tBadQD/objStats.tDur),$ format=fmtString tot_tDur += objStats.tDur tot_tFlag += objStats.tFlag tot_tBadQD += objStats.tBadQD endfor print,'All',tot_tDur, tot_tFlag, 100.0*(tot_tFlag/tot_tDur), 100.0*(tot_tBadQD/tot_tDur), format=fmtString endif else begin message,'No data found. Are the scans already flagged?',/info endelse end