;+ ; Show header information for the primary data container or any other ; data container. ; ; @param dc {in}{type=data container}{optional} The data container to ; use. Defaults to the primary data container. ; ; @examples ;
;   header
;   ; or, this is the same thing
;   header, !g.s[0]
; ; @uses scalevals ; @uses eqtogal ; @uses getradec ; @uses getgal ; @uses ra2ha ; @uses adstring ; ;- pro header,dc compile_opt idl2 if not !g.line then begin message,"header does not yet work in continuum mode.",/info return endif if (n_elements(dc) eq 0) then dc = !g.s[0] if (size(dc,/type) eq 2) then dc = !g.s[dc] isvalid = data_valid(dc,name=name) if (name ne 'SPECTRUM_STRUCT') then begin message,"header does not yet work in continuum mode.",/info return end if (isvalid eq -1) then begin message,'dc must be either continuum or spectrum', /info return endif if (isvalid eq 0) then begin message,'No spectrum is available.',/info return endif utcstring = adstring(dc.utc/3600.0) lststring = adstring(dc.lst/3600.0) expstring = strmid(adstring(dc.exposure/3600.0),1) radecValue = getradec(dc,/quiet) radec=strtrim(adstring(radecValue[0],radecValue[1],0),2) ; RA,DEC string az = dc.azimuth el = dc.elevation ha = ra2ha(radecValue[0],dc.lst)/15.0d ; get galactic coords here g = getgal(dc,/quiet) if dc.coordinate_mode eq 'OTHER' then begin ; pretend that the value is RA DEC and go from that if (dc.equinox eq 0.0) then dc.equinox=2000.0d g=eqtogal(dc.longitude_axis, dc.latitude_axis, dc.equinox) endif scalevals,dc.observed_frequency,fsky,fskyprefix scalevals,dc.line_rest_frequency,frest,frestprefix nchan=n_elements(*(dc.data_ptr)) scalevals,dc.bandwidth,bw,bwprefix scalevals,abs(dc.frequency_interval),delf,delfprefix ; freq interval proc = dc.procedure if proc eq 'Nod' then proc = ' Nod' print,format='(80("-"))' print, leftjustify(dc.projid,14), leftjustify(dc.source,24), leftjustify(dc.observer,15), $ format='("Proj: ",A14," Src : ",A24," Obs : ",A15)' print print, dc.scan_number, radec, fsky, fskyprefix, $ format='("Scan:",I10," RADec : ",A22," Fsky: ",F10.6,1x,A1,"Hz")' print, dc.integration, leftjustify(string(dc.equinox,format='(F6.1)'),21), frest, frestprefix, $ format='("Int :",I10," Eqnx : ",A21," Frst: ",F10.6,1x,A1,"Hz")' print, strtrim(dc.polarization,2), leftjustify(string(dc.source_velocity/1.0e3,format='(F9.1)'),9,1), leftjustify(dc.velocity_definition,11), bw, bwprefix, $ format='("Pol : ",A5," V : ",A9,4x,A11," BW : ",F7.3,4x,A1,"Hz")' print, dc.if_number, az, el, delf, delfprefix, $ format='("IF : ",I5," AzEl : ",F7.3,6x,F6.3,2x," delF: ",F7.3,4x,A1,"Hz")' print, dc.feed, g[0], g[1], leftjustify(string(dc.exposure,format='(F8.1)'),8,1), $ format='("Feed: ",I5," Gal : ",F7.3, 5x, F7.3, 3x, " Exp : ",A8, " s")' print, leftjustify(proc,10), utcstring, leftjustify(dc.date,11),dc.mean_tcal, $ format='("Proc: ",A10," UT : ",A11,3x,A10," Tcal: ",F7.2," K")' print, dc.procseqn, leftjustify(lststring,11), leftjustify(string(ha,format='(F6.2)'),7,1), dc.tsys, $ format='("Seqn: ",I3," LST/HA: ",A11,3x,A6," Tsys: ",F7.2," K")' print,format='(80("-"))' end