;+ ; Show the most recently fit gaussians and annotate the plot with ; their peak, center, width values. ; ;

The gaussians are plotted on top of the whatever is already ; plotted. ; ; @keyword modelbuffer {in}{optional}{type=integer} The data container ; buffer containing the model of the most recent gaussian fit. If this ; is omitted, a value of -1 is assumed. If this is -1 then a model is ; constructed from the fit parameters in !g.gauss. This is ignored if ; parts is set. ; ; @keyword parts {in}{optional}{type=boolean} When set, show the ; individual gaussians as separate plots. This always constructs the ; gaussians from the parameters in !g.gauss. modelbuffer is ignored ; when this keyword is set. ; ; @keyword color {in}{optional}{type=integer}{default=!g.gshowcolor} ; A color to use for the plots. ; ; @examples ;

;    ; assumes initial guesses already set
;    gauss
;    gshow,/parts
; ; @version $Id$ ;- pro gshow, modelbuffer=modelbuffer, parts=parts, color=color if (n_elements(modelbuffer) eq 0) then modelbuffer = -1 if (n_elements(color) eq 0) then color=!g.gshowcolor ; do we show the entire model, or just the fit for each gaussian if (keyword_set(parts) eq 0) then begin ; get the data to be plotted: from model, or coefficients? if (modelbuffer ne -1) then begin ; over plot the model data if !g.line then begin data = *!g.s[modelbuffer].data_ptr endif else begin data = *!g.c[modelbuffer].data_ptr endelse ; plot it gbtoplot, data, color=color, /chan endif else begin ng = !g.gauss.ngauss if (ng le 0) then return ; create the model from the coefficients in !g if !g.line then begin npts = data_valid(!g.s[0]) endif else begin npts = data_valid(!g.c[0]) endelse if (npts le 0) then begin message, 'No data at buffer 0 to base the model on.',/info return endif x = lindgen(npts) oplotfn,'gauss_plot_fn',{a:!g.gauss.fit[*,0:(ng-1)],noise:0.0,offset:0},color=color,/noshow endelse endif else begin ; create a gaussian from each set of coefficients, and plot them ng = !g.gauss.ngauss if (ng le 0) then return if !g.line then begin npts = data_valid(!g.s[0]) endif else begin npts = data_valid(!g.c[0]) endelse if npts le 0 then return x = lindgen(npts) ; go through each gauss mc = machar() ; data is floating point prec, so don't plot anything ; that would require more than that precision to represent for i=0,ng-1 do begin params = !g.gauss.fit[*,i] oplotfn,'gauss_plot_fn',{a:!g.gauss.fit[*,i],noise:0.0,offset:0.0},/noshow endfor endelse clearannotations,/noshow ; annotate the gaussians lab=' P C W' off=-.03 annotate,.13,.71,lab,/normal,charsize=1.4,color=!g.gausstextcolor,/noshow ; label for i=0,!g.gauss.ngauss-1 do begin ; convert those to x-axis coordinate values left=!g.gauss.fit[1,i]-!g.gauss.fit[2,i]/2.0d right=left+!g.gauss.fit[2,i] xvals = chantox([!g.gauss.fit[1,i],left,right]) sh=string(!g.gauss.fit[0,i],form='(f10.3)') sc=string(xvals[0],form='(f10.3)') sw=string(abs(xvals[2]-xvals[1]),form='(f10.3)') y = .67+i*off annotate,.13,y,sh,/normal,charsize=1.5,color=!g.gausstextcolor,/noshow ; peak annotate,.22,y,sc,/normal,charsize=1.5,color=!g.gausstextcolor,/noshow ; center annotate,.31,y,sw,/normal,charsize=1.5,color=!g.gausstextcolor,/noshow ; width endfor reshow end